Earth Day: Party While Saving the Planet!
Earth Day is a very important holiday!Everyone is concerned about the planet we are leaving to our children, and we must pass the responsibility from generation to generation, making it second nature for them to behave responsibly, and leave it green for their next generation! This kind of earth day party will take some planning and organization, but will teach the pride and value of a job well done, as well as fostering the learned responsibility of conservation, preservation, and cohabitation!We only have one world, we must share with all creatures.
Start early, make up flyers announcing a block party and the schedule for earth day, and enlist the aid of teens in your area, by getting them to distribute the flyers.
Earth day parties vary, depending on the area in which you live, but everyone can benefit from learning how to make the world a better place for all living creatures, large and small.
Earth day can begin with teens adopting a road side.
Under adult supervision, they can pick up trash, separate it for recycling, and have it picked up, or delivered to recycling centers.
The team filling the most bags (or maybe all teams can win) wins a prize.
If you ask ahead of time, local pizza parlors, video rental stores, and merchants along the route, are almost always willing to give coupons for freebies to the winners.
You can make an earth day video, of the teens cleaning the roadside, and youngsters reciting eco friendly earth day facts, centered on the importance of preserving the eco system, ending with each child planting their own tree.
Finally, everyone on the block can gather at a central location, to celebrate with a hot dog roast, using recyclable containers for their earth day feast.
Bits of the recording can be broadcast on the radio or local TV news, and photos can be featured in the newspaper.
Start early, make up flyers announcing a block party and the schedule for earth day, and enlist the aid of teens in your area, by getting them to distribute the flyers.
Earth day parties vary, depending on the area in which you live, but everyone can benefit from learning how to make the world a better place for all living creatures, large and small.
Earth day can begin with teens adopting a road side.
Under adult supervision, they can pick up trash, separate it for recycling, and have it picked up, or delivered to recycling centers.
The team filling the most bags (or maybe all teams can win) wins a prize.
If you ask ahead of time, local pizza parlors, video rental stores, and merchants along the route, are almost always willing to give coupons for freebies to the winners.
You can make an earth day video, of the teens cleaning the roadside, and youngsters reciting eco friendly earth day facts, centered on the importance of preserving the eco system, ending with each child planting their own tree.
Finally, everyone on the block can gather at a central location, to celebrate with a hot dog roast, using recyclable containers for their earth day feast.
Bits of the recording can be broadcast on the radio or local TV news, and photos can be featured in the newspaper.