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Mexico's history is heavy of spirited episodes Guanajuato

pic201.jpgMexico's history is heavy of spirited episodes. Root with the firstly indigenous settlers incoming from the north of the chaste, continuing with the Complex point initiated by the accomplishment and job of the territory that is now notable as Mexico by the European soldiers and missionaries. And exercising until our modernistic days with all its contradictions and beauties; but with Mexican group always maintaining that special individuality that has identified them throughout the centuries.

Among the many Mexican cities that are vivid testimonies of this history there is one that has, along with history, a very particular charm and identity.

This city is called Guanajuato and is situated 400 km north of Mexico City, near the geographical center of the Republic. It has a pretty mild climate with a spring-like weather during most of the year. Guanajuato is not a big city and its origins go back to the settling of the first Spaniard explorers in the XVI century, who found and exploded the huge mineral deposits of the hills that surround this beautiful town. The richness of silver and gold of its mines was of such great importance to the Spanish Crown that the city was given the title of "Real de Minas" and its fame, along with its gold, traveled all over the world.

Guanajuato was not only witness of great richness but also was one of the starting spots of the revolution leading to the independence of the country. The first major battle of this struggle for freedom against the Spanish Crown took place in this city, more specifically at the building known has the "Alhondiga de Granaditas". This is a huge building that used to be a corn and wheat depot and that, considering the situation of the insurrection, was used by the Spaniards and their alleys has a refuge during the battle. At the end Insurgents conquered the "Alhondiga" thanks to the local hero known as "El Pipila", who burned the main entrance door protecting himself from the bullets fired from above with a stone plate laced to his back.

This along with other vibrant episodes of Mexican history have made of Guanajuato an important historical place to visit and to even establish and live permanently for many people around the world.

visit our Travel ForumĀ  & source :Visit Guanajuato The Charming Town Of Mexico

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