Health & Medical Lose Weight

Step Five to Weight Loss - Explore the Benefits

Everyone from my generation remembers the classic scene from the movie When Harry Met Sally when the star flipped out with incredible excitement and joy right in the middle of a diner, just to prove that she could fake such a moment.
And the very next line was another customer in the diner saying, "I'll have what she's having.
" I believe that if a person were to go around surveying many people who lost weight and ask them all the benefits they've experienced from the loss, after just a few interviews they would find themselves just as enthusiastically saying, "I'll have what they're having.
" I'm willing to bet the average person who sets out to lose weight is primarily doing so for esthetic reasons.
What they do not necessarily realize is all the many, many other benefits which will inevitably accompany weight loss.
When I lost fifty pounds way back when I was certainly pleased by my appearance, and it was beyond incredible for my self-esteem to receive the many compliments that were coming my way (not to mention how good it felt to simply know that I could conquer my desire to overeat and to eat too much of the wrong thing).
But I received a world of benefits I never expected.
For most of my life I had been suffering from a mighty consistent irritable bowel syndrome, viciously painful heartburn due to acid reflux, and my wife complained all the time about my terribly annoying snoring.
After the weight had so magically disappeared, along with it went my IBS.
My chest pains had been plaguing me my whole life.
Now my new life involved rarely if ever holding my chest in agony.
And of course, my wife was ecstatic to sleep a little sounder at night due to my now virtually non-existent snoring.
My advice: Look into what you have to expect when the pounds go away.
This should ideally put you over the top in motivating you to do whatever it takes to receive those benefits.
Who in their right mind doesn't want to have less pressure on their knees? Who in their right mind doesn't want to live a longer life? Who in their right mind doesn't want to look in their mirror and see the details of their muscles? The way to weight loss is to eat better and to move around more.
This only happens if you have a strong motivation to make them happen.
Knowing why you should be losing all the weight is certainly a great way to find the motivation to make it happen.

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