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Emeralds Are Aphrodite With Green Eyes

Emeralds are one of the most precious gemstones of all times that were presented to the princess and queens during the ancient hieroglyphics of Egypt. This is probably the only gemstone that holds such perfect green color that can be found in human iris. Emeralds can capture light and emit the same in a splendid way. It is often known as the green-eyed Aphrodite as the gemstones has the power to seduce and ignite passion.

Emeralds, like most other gemstones have unique properties that allow the same to be designed into emerald rings and other jewelries. Based on the color, cut, clarity and carat of emeralds, people can choose to use this gemstone for various purposes. Emeralds also have some grades of color that is given significant importance. Nevertheless, the grading of emeralds is given relatively lesser importance when compared to its color. The finest emeralds should possess pure and verdant green color, and very high transparency too must be considered.

There are different hues of emeralds as you might see when you are buying emerald rings. Hues like bluish green or yellowish green are common in emeralds. However, the primary color is definitely green. Emeralds usually have a medium to darkish tone.
The clarity of emeralds will be graded by the human eye. These gemstones would be considered as flawless if there are no inclusions or fissures visible to the naked human eye. Finding emeralds without the surface inclusions or the fissures are certainly rare to find. Therefore, most of these gemstones should be treated with some synthetic oil or cedar oil for enhancing the clarity apparently.

Most emerald rings are made from lab-created emeralds, as it is very difficult to find the original variety. Synthetic emeralds cost less than the originals, and were first manufactured by emerald giants Carroll Chatham and Pierre Gilson. They created emeralds that were names Symeralds and Emerita. Their emeralds are grown on the beryl seeds that are colorless and contained on the sides. It takes 7 months to grow.

Today, emeralds are available in different parts of the world, including many regions. However, that still does not make emeralds widely available; it remains one of the rarely available gemstones in the world today. The rare shape and pattern of emeralds seen in emerald rings makes it the best choice for weddings and engagements.

Colombia produces the largest number of emeralds in the world today, and cities like Chivor, Cosuez and Muzo are the primary areas.

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