Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Winning Her Back in Three Easy Steps

Have you been trawling the internet seeking advice and help to deal with a relationship breakdown? Well hopefully I might be able to help you. Unfortunately I suffered the trauma of a relationship breakdown a couple of years ago and know what a catastrophic event that can be.

I guess looking back on it, it was inevitable. A house once full of fun and laughter had been replaced by either stony silences or bickering. Nevertheless when my fiancĀ©e suggested a trial separation and moved back in with her parents, it still hit me like a thunderbolt and I turned into an emotional wreck. Unable to eat or sleep I relied almost entirely on support from my family and friends. Work colleagues were fantastic, offering advice and suggesting social activities to take my mind off it. Of course, the general consensus of opinion was to 'let her go', 'there are plenty more fish in the sea'. Trouble was I was still deeply in love with my ex and couldn't imagine a future without her.

Are you desperate to get back with your former partner, like I was? Then you need to devise a plan and stick with it. The first step on the road to winning her back and creating a renewed and loving relationship is, not to contact her, no matter how temping that may be! Give each other the time and space needed to reflect and gain insight into the situation, for emotions to rebalance and tempers to fade. Separation can be an invaluable opportunity to learn from previous mistakes and rediscover yourself whilst placing you in a much better position to develop a loving and meaningful relationship that can last.

Make the most of the time away from her. Put yourself first for a change. Treat yourself to some new gear, join a gym, eat healthily or perhaps take up that hobby you've been interested in for while. Get rid of negative emotions and start to make plans for the future. Look at your life and be honest with yourself again. Do you know want you want from your life? Do you need to make changes? A new more confident person will appear, that's attractive to women and in particular your ex.

Start pursuing other women. This might be the last thing you want but once your ex gets to hear about it you could be surprised at the outcome. Women prefer guys who are hard to get. If you are a guy who has no problem attracting women and getting over relationships then you will exhibit an aura of confidence and few things are more attractive to a woman.

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