Family & Relationships Weddings

How to Hide Ugly Drapes in a Reception Venue

    • 1). Rent portable drapes, which are usually hung on poles and often called "pipe and drape." Place the portable drapes in front of the permanent window dressings.

    • 2). Choose colors that match your wedding theme. Portable drapes are usually available in a variety of colors, which allows you to maintain your desired look and feel during your reception.

    • 3). Embellish the drapes with silk scarves; if the portable drapes are bland or they don't offer your desired color, change the look and feel with silk scarves. Obtain the measurements of the portable drapes, either from the provider or measuring them with a tape. Purchase sheets of silk scarves in the appropriate size, color or pattern to match your decor.

    • 4). Use a contrasting colored silk scarf to hide the poles that are holding the portable drapes. Spread the scarves directly over the poles and let them hang loose or gather around the middle and tie with a satin ribbon.

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