Checklist: New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family
Checklist: New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family
____ Sign up. Register your family for a fun run, charity walk, or other active event, and then train for it together.
Add New House Rules
By setting food boundaries in the house, you are reinforcing good habits. Consider these rules:
__Dessert is reserved for weekends and special events.
__Second servings should be healthy, such as fruits and veggies.
__Allow soda-drinking at restaurants only.
Resolve to Think New Thoughts
The way you look at the world can have a surprising impact on your health and wellbeing. Work the muscles in your brain to build a healthy outlook.
____ Question commercials. By age 12, kids see an average of five ads for fast food a day. Teach your kids to be media savvy. When a commercial comes on, ask your kids who they think made it, why they made it, and what information might be missing.
____ Enjoy what you have. It’s easy to overlook what’s going well in your life in the rush to get fit, eat healthier, and be a better person. Take stock of what you feel grateful for -- your family, friends, or simply a beautiful sunset. When you stop and notice what makes you happy, you can celebrate your life anew.
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Checklist: New Year’s Resolutions for Your Family
____ Sign up. Register your family for a fun run, charity walk, or other active event, and then train for it together.
Add New House Rules
By setting food boundaries in the house, you are reinforcing good habits. Consider these rules:
__Dessert is reserved for weekends and special events.
__Second servings should be healthy, such as fruits and veggies.
__Allow soda-drinking at restaurants only.
Resolve to Think New Thoughts
The way you look at the world can have a surprising impact on your health and wellbeing. Work the muscles in your brain to build a healthy outlook.
____ Question commercials. By age 12, kids see an average of five ads for fast food a day. Teach your kids to be media savvy. When a commercial comes on, ask your kids who they think made it, why they made it, and what information might be missing.
____ Enjoy what you have. It’s easy to overlook what’s going well in your life in the rush to get fit, eat healthier, and be a better person. Take stock of what you feel grateful for -- your family, friends, or simply a beautiful sunset. When you stop and notice what makes you happy, you can celebrate your life anew.