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Plant Trees For An Earth Friendly World

If we look at yearly figures, between three and six billion trees are being chopped down all over the world. There is so much that is made from trees and this means there is a huge need in the marketplace. For instance, paper is used both in the home and workplace and wood is used in the building of homes. We all must assume responsibility in keeping our forests even if there are things we have to use that are made from trees.

Trees are celebrated on Arbor Day and the idea is that we should plant trees at that time but this is not truly taking on the issue. Planting trees is not something that a lot of folks give any thought to. If they planted trees, we would be all set.

Would you believe that there are roughly 7 billion people on Earth? The actual numbers naturally fluctuate and so this is a calculated guess. Nevertheless, we could replace the trees that are lost yearly if each one of those individuals did actually plant a tree on Arbor day. The chance of this happening is remote.

So, planting trees is something you need to consider if you are concerned about the air we breathe and the planet. And I don't mean to merely go out once a year and plant a tree. Every month is a good goal or why not every week? It is just a fact that many people will refuse to give any thought to conservation or planting trees, so we have to compensate for this ourselves.

Numbers show that only about 15 million trees are planted on Arbor Day. So on an annual basis, we have a deficit about 5 billion trees. And each year, it just continues to get worse.

I actually have a solution to the problem entirely although people should still continue to plant trees whenever they can. It could be made a legal requirement that anyone involved in cutting down trees must replace every tree cut down with two newly planted ones and this would go a long way to solving the problem.

Right now, this is not likely to happen and thus the job to preserve the number of trees in the world is in our own hands. And it isn't going to take that much for us to increase the tree population each year. If every month, around 10% of people on the planet could plant a tree, that would make up for the numbers being felled annually. Annually, this would result in the planting of about 7 billion trees. And that 1 billion excess trees are precisely what we need in order to get our tree population back to where it must be.

Planting a tree is a way we can all help the earth. Things will change if 10% of people worldwide resolve to help out and plant trees. And you can be one of them.

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