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DIY Tips for Craft Novices

Basically every home decorating blog or website has tons of DIY ideas that easily outline a particular craft and all the materials and steps that go along with it. However, I’ve realized that most of these sites aren’t very accommodating of DIY newbies, or what I like to call craft novices. What the heck’s a circle cutter? What’s the difference between a .35 and a .5mm pen? Though you may be applauding yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone, the reception you get tends to be overwhelming – and may even drive you away.

I’m here to tell you: don’t be discouraged! You don’t need to be a crafting expert to do most DIY projects, and you certainly don’t need to buy out Michael’s just to spruce up your office. Once you have the essentials, the majority of crafts only need a few extra materials to come to fruition. Here are the few basic items everyone needs in their crafting arsenal.

1.Hot glue gun

For decades, the hot glue gun has been the most revered tool for the crafting crowd. They don’t cost much (plus you can find the refills at most dollar stores) and once you get used to them, they’re a breeze to use. The best part is how many materials it can be used on: wood, plastic, heavy paper, and more.


Tons of DIY crafts for decorating (or even for other stuff!) involve pretty paper. I like to keep some cardstock in a variety of colors in patterns on hand, but if you’re trying to be selective, just stick to your favorite group of colors to avoid being wasteful.

3.Exacto knife and self-healing mat

What fun is having paper if you can’t do anything with it?

You’d be amazed at the possibilities an Exacto knife can bring – you’re not limited to cutting around the edges like you are with scissors! To save your surfaces from permanent scratches, get a self-healing mat (I like one that’s gridded so I have a guide for cutting).

4.Glue sticks

You don’t have to be in grade school to make use of the surprising utility of glue sticks. For less heavy-duty jobs that don’t need a glue gun, a regular glue stick will get the job done. Personally, I like the color-changing kind so I can see where I’m gluing.

5.Acrylic paint and sponges

You know what they say…if you can’t change it, paint it! Most of the paint I’ve accrued has come from specific projects, but I’ve actually gotten more use out of my leftovers than I had thought. I would Most acrylic paint is pretty cheap (less than $1 a bottle), so you can afford to get a fun array of non-primary colors. However, it is a good idea to keep larger bottles of black and white for mixing purposes. I’ve found that sponges are easiest to use and work for most projects, but keep in mind that they don’t do details well – that’s what brushes are for. Make sure not to leave your sponges dirty after your crafting is over, though! Wash them right away to extend time between buying replacements.

6.Roll of disposable table cloth

I don’t know about you, but since I get most of my news online, I very rarely have old newspapers lying around my house! Over the years, I’ve had to get more creative with what I use under my messier crafts. A roll of disposable table covering (found at party and bulk supply stores) is perfect for keeping my table safe and has the added bonus of customizable length and super easy cleanup.

What are your must-have craft items? Let me know in the comments!

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