The Truth About Enzyte Penis Enlargement Pills
So you have seen the commercials with Smiling Bob happy as heck that everyone loves the new size of his penis.
His smiling face has become a popular trademark for Enzyte, the natural male enhancer and has led sales in the billion dollar industry of penis enlargement pills.
Before you rush off and get your free sample, you probably want to know if these pills work.
Well, first you should know that the chief manufacturer of Enzyte has been indicted by the Federal Courts over the last few years on over a hundred counts ranging from conspiracy, mail fraud, and money laundering.
And these charges have nothing to do with the lawsuits that have been filed against the makers of Enzyte for allegedly defrauding customers.
After the convictions and fines, the Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals company went bankrupt and then was bought by Pristine Bay and Smiling Bob has returned to the late night airwaves promising euphoric style male enhancement.
Well, you might feel some euphoria taking these penis enlargement pills, but not much else.
One of the ingredients in Enzyte is Niacin.
This supplement is popular in the underground industry where people try to make fake Ecstasy and pass it off as the real thing.
Niacin will give you hot flashes and that sudden feeling of euphoria.
All of the other ingredients in this male enhancement pill are common supplements found at any health store and have no proven effectiveness in penis enlargement.
There are sites with "experts" who claim that Enzyte does what it advertised.
But the only experts are those approved by the FDA, and so far, the FDA has not determined that these types of male enhancement supplements have any real effect.
To some people, Enzyte works, but that just might be from placebo effects.
They promise to send you a free sample but underneath that claim you end up enrolling in a monthly plan that costs substantial more.
Also, the FDA has not evaluated the long term effects of taking these pills.
Too many people confuse erectile dysfunction with male enhancement.
You don't have to suffer problems with an erection to benefit from pills like Viagra or Cialis.
They help sustain a hard penis for a lengthy time and are approved by the FDA.
Remember, there is no proven way to increase the size of your penis.
Be careful using any penis enlargement pills and understand the risks you take.
His smiling face has become a popular trademark for Enzyte, the natural male enhancer and has led sales in the billion dollar industry of penis enlargement pills.
Before you rush off and get your free sample, you probably want to know if these pills work.
Well, first you should know that the chief manufacturer of Enzyte has been indicted by the Federal Courts over the last few years on over a hundred counts ranging from conspiracy, mail fraud, and money laundering.
And these charges have nothing to do with the lawsuits that have been filed against the makers of Enzyte for allegedly defrauding customers.
After the convictions and fines, the Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals company went bankrupt and then was bought by Pristine Bay and Smiling Bob has returned to the late night airwaves promising euphoric style male enhancement.
Well, you might feel some euphoria taking these penis enlargement pills, but not much else.
One of the ingredients in Enzyte is Niacin.
This supplement is popular in the underground industry where people try to make fake Ecstasy and pass it off as the real thing.
Niacin will give you hot flashes and that sudden feeling of euphoria.
All of the other ingredients in this male enhancement pill are common supplements found at any health store and have no proven effectiveness in penis enlargement.
There are sites with "experts" who claim that Enzyte does what it advertised.
But the only experts are those approved by the FDA, and so far, the FDA has not determined that these types of male enhancement supplements have any real effect.
To some people, Enzyte works, but that just might be from placebo effects.
They promise to send you a free sample but underneath that claim you end up enrolling in a monthly plan that costs substantial more.
Also, the FDA has not evaluated the long term effects of taking these pills.
Too many people confuse erectile dysfunction with male enhancement.
You don't have to suffer problems with an erection to benefit from pills like Viagra or Cialis.
They help sustain a hard penis for a lengthy time and are approved by the FDA.
Remember, there is no proven way to increase the size of your penis.
Be careful using any penis enlargement pills and understand the risks you take.