Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Remove a Double Image From a Photo

    • 1). Transfer or scan in the photo you need to edit into your computer, and open it in your image-editing program. Go to "Image" then "Duplicate" to make a copy of the photo. Save the original, as you will work on the copy.

    • 2). Click on the lasso tool and draw around the area you wish to keep to make a selection. Hold down the "Shift" key while drawing to add to the selection, and hold down the "Alt" key to subtract from the selection. Try to get the selection as accurate as possible.

    • 3). Invert the selection. The clone tool will only be active within a selection, so this will prevent any action taken in other areas from affecting the area you want to keep.

    • 4). Enlarge the photo to at least 100 percent on the monitor to see much better detail.

    • 5). Click on the clone tool and, from the toolbar, set the brush size to the width of the outline to be removed. Set the tool to "Aligned," "Opacity" to 100 percent and "Flow" to 100 percent. Carefully clone over the outline, setting the source ("Alt" + left click) from an area as close to it as possible.

    • 6). View the photo at print size to judge the overall effect, then at 100 percent magnification to check for details that may not be quite right. Correct any you find.

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