Health & Medical Nutrition

An Introduction to Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids

Omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) are a type of polyunsaturated fat.
They cannot be produced by your body and must be sourced from food alone.
These EFAs are required for good health and not consuming enough can lead to various problems.
In this article I will be discussing omega 6 EFAs in more detail.
WHAT ARE THE BEST FOOD SOURCES? Since your body cannot produce omega 6 EFAs, you need to make sure that your diet contains good portions of this nutrient.
Nuts, oils (such as corn oil and sunflower seed oil) and wholemeal products (such as bread and cereal) are all good sources so make sure these are regular fixtures in your diet.
WHAT ARE THE HEALTH BENEFITS? Omega 6 EFAs have numerous health benefits which include: 1) HEALTHY SKIN:- Omega 6 EFAs are required for the production of healthy skin cell membranes.
They have also been shown to improve skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema.
2) RELIEF FROM PRE-MENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) SYMPTOMS:- Studies suggest that this type of EFA can reduce the bloating and breast tenderness that is often caused by PMS.
3) STRONG BONES:- This type of fatty acid has been shown to improve your body's ability to absorb calcium (a macromineral which helps build strong bones and teeth).
Furthermore, failing to eat enough of this EFA can cause bone loss and osteoporosis (reduced bone density).
WHAT ARE THE HEALTH RISKS? Although omega 6 EFAs are required for good health, it is essential that you keep an eye on your consumption.
Eating too much of this fat type in comparison to omega 3 EFAs can lead to various health complications which include: 1) INCREASED CANCER RISK:- Research has linked excessive consumption of this EFA with stimulating the growth of both breast cancer cells and prostate cancer cells.
2) INCREASED HEART DISEASE RISK:- Eating high levels of this EFA has been shown to cause blood clots.
These blood clots cause blockages in the blood vessels that lead to your heart which ultimately leads to heart attacks.
3) INTERFERENCE WITH OMEGA 3 EFAS:- Eating high levels of omega 6 EFAs can stop your body breaking down omega 3 EFAs properly.
This can negate all the benefits that they provide which include brain health and healthy vision.
SUMMARY Omega 6 EFAs are needed to keep your body in good working order.
However, balance and moderation are vital when it comes to eating them.
I hope this article has given you a better insight into this type of fat, the associated risks and the related health benefits.
Now all that is left to do is make sure your diet provides you with good levels of this EFA.

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