Health & Medical Mental Health

Control your weight using EFT

Weight loss has been easily achieved using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). This was introduced by Gary Craig as an alternative of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) and is useful in solving peculiar problems, such as weight loss.

EFT is one of the easy methods to eliminate or block emotional or habitual thought patterns. For Example: Overeating – It is a habit that is connected with both your thought and emotion processes. EFT is found to have good results within a short period of time and this can be done by you at your convenient timings.

EFT Acupuncture:

EFT is similar to acupuncture without needles with mind-body medicine. Acupuncture is a process of operating certain meridian points with needles. The same result can be easily achieved by using EFT tapping (with your fingers) on the same meridian points on your body. This is found to be a fantastic tool to eliminate emotional stress.

Easy to Use:

These are three facts which make you like EFT.
  • It can be done by you after learning its techniques.
  • There are various resources available to help you in using the EFT process; most of them are at free and You Tube is the best resource online.
  • Last thing to conclude with, is the proven rapid results.

EFT Weight Loss:

Research has found that the real emotional issues associated with weight loss are anxiety and inferior complex and by using EFT for weight loss takes place between 50-80%. It is reported that it is not unique for people to lose over 100 pounds with EFT.

With weight loss, the risk of strokes, heart disease, diabetes and all other health issues are reduced significantly. People look and feel better which helps to increase their confidence level. Physical problems begin to fade away as the emotional issues are resolved.

EFT Results:

It won't help you to lose weight quickly; but, it works much better than all other alternatives. It is physically done without discomfort or pain. Sessions directed specifically at weight loss have found that using EFT for one or two minutes can prevent food cravings in 80% of the cases.

In many cases, people eat even when they are not hungry. Using EFT has surprised new users, by allowing them to eat only when they feel hungry. Some people use food unconsciously, due to blunt emotional problems. It calms emotional stress and leads to more sensible eating habits resulting in weight loss. For more information regarding EFT Weight Loss is available online.

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