2012 - The End of the World and The Science of it All
Did you see the movie, 2012? There was probably more science in that movie than in all the words written about 2012, the end of the world. Why can I say that? Think of the technology that went into creating the special effects of that movie. I swear it looked like real life photography.
I saw people falling into mile deep crevices, skyscrapers collapsing, and an angry sea devouring the coastline with its mile high tsunami. Not knowing any better, I could have believed that a National Geographic camera operator was recording the devastation. That is good cinematography.
I suspect that the director, Roland Emmerich, got the idea from the prophecy of the Mayan Long Calendar prediction. Do you know how many times the Mayan prophecy was mentioned in the movie? Once.
I can only guess that the prophecy was not mentioned more often because there is not much scientific information to back up the claims of the cataclysmic soothsayers.
Here is what science we do know about the Mayan prediction.
That is it. Everything else is conjecture and, well, prophecy. Much has been inferred from a simple archaeological discovery.
Before we get to arrogant in our criticism of cataclysmic soothsayers and our quest for indisputable truth, we should recognize that even scientists dispute the translation of that codex. As early as 1966, Michael D. Coe, famed archaeologist and anthropologist, wrote in his book, The Maya:
"...there is a suggestion... that Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the thirteenth [b'ak'tun]. Thus... our present universe [would] be annihilated on December 24, AD 2011, [later revised to December 23, 2012] when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion." [Wikipedia]."
It comes down to your own system of beliefs and fears. I, for one, want to learn all that I can both fact and conjecture, just in case. Maybe you should too.
Decide for yourself. Is 2012 the end of the world? Prepare for the possibilities. Why not be prepared and arm yourself with knowledge?
I saw people falling into mile deep crevices, skyscrapers collapsing, and an angry sea devouring the coastline with its mile high tsunami. Not knowing any better, I could have believed that a National Geographic camera operator was recording the devastation. That is good cinematography.
I suspect that the director, Roland Emmerich, got the idea from the prophecy of the Mayan Long Calendar prediction. Do you know how many times the Mayan prophecy was mentioned in the movie? Once.
I can only guess that the prophecy was not mentioned more often because there is not much scientific information to back up the claims of the cataclysmic soothsayers.
Here is what science we do know about the Mayan prediction.
- The Mayan were great astronomers and mathematicians.
- The Mayan recorded the paths of celestial bodies.
- They recorded time in cycles. One of those cycles ends on December 21, 2012. A new one begins.
- Associated with the codex that identifies that date, a reference is made to one of their gods, Bolon Yookte' K'uh. This god is a god of war, conflict, and the underworld.
- The translation of the codex refers to blackness and the descent of the god, Bolon Yookte' K'uh.
That is it. Everything else is conjecture and, well, prophecy. Much has been inferred from a simple archaeological discovery.
Before we get to arrogant in our criticism of cataclysmic soothsayers and our quest for indisputable truth, we should recognize that even scientists dispute the translation of that codex. As early as 1966, Michael D. Coe, famed archaeologist and anthropologist, wrote in his book, The Maya:
"...there is a suggestion... that Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the thirteenth [b'ak'tun]. Thus... our present universe [would] be annihilated on December 24, AD 2011, [later revised to December 23, 2012] when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion." [Wikipedia]."
It comes down to your own system of beliefs and fears. I, for one, want to learn all that I can both fact and conjecture, just in case. Maybe you should too.
Decide for yourself. Is 2012 the end of the world? Prepare for the possibilities. Why not be prepared and arm yourself with knowledge?