How to Find a County in Minnesota
- 1). Go to the Minnesota Hometown Locator website.
- 2). Click the "ZIP Codes" link in the red toolbar at the top of the page. There will be a list of ZIP codes on the next page that appears.
- 3). Click on one of the ZIP codes. A description for that ZIP code will appear on the next page. Included in the information will be the county associated with that ZIP code.
- 1). Visit the Minnesota Geospatial Information Office website.
- 2). Scroll down the page. Type the name of the city inside the "Feature Name" text box. Click the "CTU Type" drop-down menu and select "City." Leave the other two fields blank.
- 3). Click the "Submit" button. The new page that appears will contain information regarding the city, including the county in which it's located.
- 1). Go to the homepage.
- 2). Click the "U.S. Maps" tab that's along the top of the page. A map of the United States will appear.
- 3). Click on the state of Minnesota (MN). A page of state maps will appear.
- 4). Scroll down to the second map on the page. This map -- Minnesota County Map-Minnesota Political Map -- shows every county in the state.