The Value of a Brick - Help Your Child Build a Brick Wall of Success and Organized Productivity
A brick.
You mean just one simple plain old brick? Absolutely! It doesn't sound like much.
Just one simple brick.
But if you lay just one brick, then another, then another, and then another one still, before long you can see something taking shape.
A bit of a wall perhaps.
We call it your "Brick Wall of Success"(TM).
If those bricks are laid upon a solid foundation before long you can have a whole house.
And so it is with helping your child develop the vital success habit of completion.
What is a brick? A brick in your child's "Brick Wall of Success" is any event that moves him toward a specific desired goal.
As a student a brick can be completing a homework assignment on time.
A brick can be learning a group of vocabulary words.
A brick can be earning a merit badge in Scouts.
A brick can even be doing one of the activities needed to earn that Scout badge.
Now you might say "Well, every child does many of these little things and not all of these children will be successful in life.
" Yes and no.
If a child does some of these things each and every day, day after day, pretty soon that child will have a large and growing advantage of the habit of taking successful action steps.
How do you help your child build this "Brick Wall of Success"? The most important factor is consistency.
Notice the continuous aspect of day after day.
Even if you miss a day you get right back to it.
You do not want your child to fall into a downward spiral.
You must help, encourage and support your child in successfully completing the actions (s)he intended.
Then acknowledge those specific results and in particular the successful actions taken by the child to get that result.
If you do this repeatedly for five years you will have a very different child and that child will have a very different future than if you don't.
You are laying the bricks as your child experiences each small success and then many wonderful things start to take place.
At first the child may get just a glimpse of having an intention and then bringing it to life.
That event is a very happy occurrence indeed.
But it is what happens next that starts to get really exciting.
Her mindset starts to change.
If she can experience several of these "Little Bricks of Success"(TM) laid one after another she will begin to expect to be able to bring her ideas to life.
Here you can see the beginnings of a powerful success mindset which will be the foundation of all her future accomplishments.
She is laying these bricks as a foundation for becoming a person who makes things happen and consistently gets results.
You mean just one simple plain old brick? Absolutely! It doesn't sound like much.
Just one simple brick.
But if you lay just one brick, then another, then another, and then another one still, before long you can see something taking shape.
A bit of a wall perhaps.
We call it your "Brick Wall of Success"(TM).
If those bricks are laid upon a solid foundation before long you can have a whole house.
And so it is with helping your child develop the vital success habit of completion.
What is a brick? A brick in your child's "Brick Wall of Success" is any event that moves him toward a specific desired goal.
As a student a brick can be completing a homework assignment on time.
A brick can be learning a group of vocabulary words.
A brick can be earning a merit badge in Scouts.
A brick can even be doing one of the activities needed to earn that Scout badge.
Now you might say "Well, every child does many of these little things and not all of these children will be successful in life.
" Yes and no.
If a child does some of these things each and every day, day after day, pretty soon that child will have a large and growing advantage of the habit of taking successful action steps.
How do you help your child build this "Brick Wall of Success"? The most important factor is consistency.
Notice the continuous aspect of day after day.
Even if you miss a day you get right back to it.
You do not want your child to fall into a downward spiral.
You must help, encourage and support your child in successfully completing the actions (s)he intended.
Then acknowledge those specific results and in particular the successful actions taken by the child to get that result.
If you do this repeatedly for five years you will have a very different child and that child will have a very different future than if you don't.
You are laying the bricks as your child experiences each small success and then many wonderful things start to take place.
At first the child may get just a glimpse of having an intention and then bringing it to life.
That event is a very happy occurrence indeed.
But it is what happens next that starts to get really exciting.
Her mindset starts to change.
If she can experience several of these "Little Bricks of Success"(TM) laid one after another she will begin to expect to be able to bring her ideas to life.
Here you can see the beginnings of a powerful success mindset which will be the foundation of all her future accomplishments.
She is laying these bricks as a foundation for becoming a person who makes things happen and consistently gets results.