Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Test the Air for Formadehyde Pollution

    • 1). Purchase a formaldehyde test kit from an online dealer. You may be able to find them in a hardware store, but it is a fairly specialized item.

    • 2). Choose a location on a door jam or on the ceiling, 24 inches away from any walls, windows or doors. Outside air will alter the results.

    • 3). Remove the lid and hang the test tube using the push pin provided in the kit.

    • 4). Allow the tube to collect an air sample for five to seven days.

    • 5). Replace the lid and ship the tube to a laboratory for analysis. Each kit comes with a list of recommended laboratories. Shipping and laboratory fees are not generally included in the kits. Your results should arrive in a few weeks with a detailed explanation of the formaldehyde level in your home and effects of exposure to that level.

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