Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Unknown Treatment In Us

Drinking healing mineral water for Health and Wellness has a long tradition in Europe.  Yet despite its popularity among patients in Europe, balneology worldthis therapy is still basically unknown in the United States and Canada.

 The most popular drinking healing mineral water is from Karlovy Vary - spa pearl of Europe. The Czech town of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) has been a famous international healing resort since the 1700s. Europeans call the town's mineral water the "healing gift from the earth" or the "miracle mineral water." Visitors throughout Europe and Asia have been traveled to Karlovy Vary for one to six month stays to drink the Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water for different chronic conditions.

 Many years Karlovy Vary water was carried by barrels and bottles all over the Europe for treatment of rich people. European doctors understood that mineral content is a major healing factor of this water and research was done to manufacture the salt from the evaporated thermal spring water. In 1764, an inexpensive method was discovered that made it possible to distribute the water all over the world. Czech doctors determined that the water manufactured from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt had identical healing properties as at the spring.

 Mineral water preparing from the Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt has been successful in healing conditions such as chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, early stages of cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, esophageal acid reflux, diverticulosis, constipation, Chron's disease, parasites, etc.

100 years ago, this healing mineral water was the only possible way to treat diabetes, obesity, gout, stomach ulcers, and gallbladder and kidney stones. Today it remains a very important complementary approach for healing these disorders.

 Mineral water preparing from the Karlovy Vary Thermal Spring Salt also is a safe natural alkalizer. The alkaline effect of water is mild and slow, and depends on the amount of drinking water.

Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water is the oldest researched mineral supplement in the world.  In 1522, the first scientific medical book was published in which a regimen of drinking the water of the spring was recommended for constipation. Since then, hundreds of clinical texts and articles have been published describing the positive effects of the water on both animals and humans. Unfortunately most of them were published in Czech, German, Russian thus there are unknown by American medical establishment.

Water simultaneously relieves digestive disorders, strengthens the digestive system, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance and improves the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It's most important actions are:
  • Enhancing liver function by increasing the production and flow of bile,
  • Promoting pancreas function by manufacturing and releasing of pancreatic enzymes,
  • Stimulating peristalsis of the intestines,
  • Restoring the friendly intestinal flora,
  • Preventing of stagnation of food in the digestive tract,
  • Normalizing body acid alkaline balance, etc.

 These effects are caused by beneficial complex composition of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfates, bicarbonates, chlorides, and a lot of trace minerals such as zinc, cobalt, selenium, lithium, copper and more in ionic form.  In Europe drinking the water manufactured from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt is very effective complementary approach for healing diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, high blood lipids, gout, and osteoporosis.

 Therapeutic modalities of healing mineral water manufactured from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt makes it useful to many different American professionals: medical doctors, naturopathic physicians, herbalists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, chiropractors, and colon hydro therapists. The water manufactured from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt is for anyone looking to slow aging, detoxify the body, healing an illness, or promote wellness. 

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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