Health & Medical Pain Diseases

What You Should Know About Migraines

A migraine is a condition that is characterized by headache, which is often felt on one side of the head only.
The unilateral pain ranges from moderate to severe and can last from four to 72 hours.
The headache that occurs in this disorder can be very debilitating and comes with several other symptoms that include nausea, sensitivity to light or photophobia, vomiting, flashes of light, tingling sensation in the arms and legs, sensitivity to sound or phonobia and blind spots.
The condition can occur in any age group but women are three times more prone to it than men are.
Kinds of Migraines There are many different kinds of migraines and to be able to treat the condition better and faster, it is important to know the type of condition you are suffering.
The two most common kinds are the classic migraine or migraine with aura and the common migraine or migraine without aura.
In classic migraine, there are visual hallucinations that include partial blindness in one or both eyes and seeing jagged lines.
You may also hear things that are not really there and experience sensory disruptions.
These symptoms occur before the headache is felt so they can provide a warning that you are about to have an attack.
On the other hand, those who suffer from common migraine receive little or no warnings.
The first sign is often a dull ache that quickly turns into a severe throbbing pain that can prevent the sufferer from doing normal tasks.
Other kinds of migraines include: • Retinal migraine • Exertion migraine • Ophtalmoplegic migraine • Basilar artery migraine • Nocturnal migraine • Abdominal migraine • Hemipleic migraine Causes The causes of this condition are called triggers and these are clearly identified by some sufferers.
However, majority of them do not know the reasons that cause migraine episodes.
Among the factors that can trigger migraines are: • Allergies • Loud noises, certain odors and bright light • Allergic reactions • Stress (both emotional and physical) • Exposure to smoke and smoking • Irregular sleeping habit or changes in the sleep pattern • Fasting, alcohol or skipping meals • Tension headache • Foods that contain MSG or monosodium glutamate, tyramine, and nitrates • Certain foods such as butter and chocolate as well as certain fruits like banana, and avocado • Birth control pills and changes in the menstrual cycle Although associated with the condition, bear in mind that these triggers do not always cause episodes to occur and avoiding them does not mean that you are not going to experience headaches anymore.

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