Technology Programming

All About Good Website Design

The Internet is everywhere. As sellers load more and more web pages as one more medium to sell their products or services to a worldwide audience, web design is becoming a hot career option.


Whether you a seller with a web page to be designed or a web designer who works for a client, wouldn’t you want to know some tips for good web design? If you do, then read on.

Your website should allow for neat and easy navigation. Plan your site navigation before you start designing. Drop-down menus or flu-outs for your main topics are useful if you have too many links. A site map or section contents/home pages is a must. Add flexibility to your site by leaving room for adding additional links. Club main links for your visitor’s convenience and showcase those important links. Use short, clear and precise words to describe your links.

Opt for a clean layout design with a lot of white space. Background areas should always be filled by white or any other light or pale colour, which allows for the text to be displayed on them to look prominent allowing for better visibility. Colour schemes should be chosen carefully and coloured text used only to highlight important information. Background images are best left out as they take much time to load. Contrast is very important and so are fonts, which are universally available on all computers. As to the arrangement of the various elements of your design, the name of your website, domain name or business name has to be placed prominently somewhere at or near the top of your page either within your logo or near it. Navigation buttons or links are usually placed across the top of each page or down the left or right side.

A well designed website is one that takes the minimum time to load. Graphics, Flash and scripts increase file size and thus need to be used sparingly. Optimise your HTML and scrip code by ensuring that your site does not have any unwanted tags or unused scripts. The use of Server Side Include or SSI files is recommended, as they reside in the cache of the web server and thus load faster.

A professional yet visually appealing website is one that has been designed according to a stretched layout that can fit any screen resolution. The percentage option applied to the page width setting allows for the website to automatically expand or contract to fill the computer screen up to a specific percentage of the screen width. For instance, a 90% setting will allow the website to fill 90% of the screen regardless of the screen resolution of the computer. Moreover, the website should be checked in various screen resolutions especially after each new addition of new pages or content to ensure that it is not overriding the preset percentage option.

Make sure your website is scalable �" that is its code and design can be scaled to fit all screen sizes and platforms. Also your website must be compatible with popular browsers like Internet Explorer 5+, Mozilla Firefox 1.0, Opera 7.0 and Netscape Navigator 6.

To summarise we can say that a good website is one that has short and interesting web pages, uses a table of contents, uses small images that load fast, uses web compatible colours, has concise and relevant text, has current links which are also annotated for the visitor’s convenience and last but not the least has all the contact information required for a business transaction.

Design your website today.

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