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Past Life Associations: Recognizing Souls We Knew Before

 There are people in our lives who we have had past life associations with. We may have karmic issues to work out with family members, co-workers, etc. Whereas, teacher/student relationships are likely born of soul agreements. I believe every teacher also learns from his student. It is a two-way street. We learn from others no matter what the role. Parents learn from their children too!
The people we live with, our business partners, school mates, close friendships...

these relationships smack of coming together again... a strong desire to hang out with one another again and again.

When you are aligned with your instinctual nature you may experience moments of recognition whenever you come in contact with other kindred spirits. These are people who we have known in a past life but don't have any compelling reason to meet up and spend time together this time around. Regardless, you might bump into them now and again. Whenever that happens to me I usually get a giddy feeling inside... a totally pleasant sensation. A Blast from the Past, you might say.

Soul recognition will be obvious to you when it happens. You will not recognize the person, not the personality, but the soul within. I had the silliest grin on my face on my way home from the grocery store on Tuesday. While shopping I realized that there was a young man in the store who I knew! He knew me too! I could tell because he recognized me first. I caught him looking at me first. Afterwards we would sneak peeks at each other as we crossed paths many times, one aisle after aisle.

Once I did smile at him shyly and he gave me an ever-so-slight nod. He was a bit confused I think, not quite figuring out why he was drawn to me--a woman who was old enough to be his mother! Perhaps I was his mother or his nanny in a past life. But, more likely he was just my neighbor, barber or butcher back when. I simply felt good vibes between us.... but not enough of a pull to speak up and try to reconnect.

Yesterday while having lunch with a friend (a past life connection of mine!) I told her about my experience. She was curious why I didn't just speak with him. Partly, I will confess I didn't speak to him because I didn't want to sound like a kook... "Hey, I know you! You're not a stranger to me." If the two of us were the only people in the store I might have said something, but it was pretty congested with other shoppers milling about. However, I trust that if it is important enough the universe will give another opportunity to meet him. Meanwhile I don't feel sad or something is missing from my life if I never see him again.

And, in case you are wondering, I'm not talking about ordinary people watching me or looking me over. Not everyone who makes eye contact with you are Blasts from the Past--- such as the store detective who is suspiciously following customers around trying to catch shoplifters, or a man being appreciative of an attractive woman. I notice those people too. Sensing or recognizing a kindred spirit is entirely different. If you are still uncertain, look into their eyes-- the eyes don't lie. They truly are windows into the soul.
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