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Homemade Organic Bug Repellent for Chiggers

    Lawn Maintenance

    • Chiggers hide in long grasses and vegetation. Keeping your lawn short and free of excess vegetation will discourage chiggers. Irrigating your lawn regularly to keep soil moist will also control the chigger population. Avoid overwatering your lawn, however, since too much water can kill grass and plants, and pools of water can become stagnant and attract mosquitoes.

    Elemental Sulfur Dust

    • Elemental sulfur dust, applied at a rate of 5 pounds per 1,000 square feet, can control chiggers by improving soil's water retention. If you have alkaline (basic) soil, the extra sulfur will improve the condition of your soil. If your soil is more acidic, however, the extra sulfur can cause an imbalance. Basic soil has a pH range higher than 7, while acidic soil has a pH lower than 7. Take a soil test, available from county and university agricultural extensions, to determine your soil's pH before applying sulfur dust.


    • Planting a tall, coarse mint called horsemint throughout your yard can repel chiggers. Horsemint is also called lemonmint.

    Essential Oils

    • Mix a few drops of tea tree, lemon or orange oil with a carrier oil such as baby oil to make a skin repellant. Rub the oil over exposed skin to prevent chigger bites.


    • Clothing barriers can prevent chiggers from accessing skin. When walking in the woods or through thick grass, tuck your pant cuffs into your socks, and wear long-sleeved shirts, if possible. For added protection, dust your shoes, socks and pants with sulfur dust or rub them with crushed horsemint flowers.

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