Side Effects and Risk of Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery can result in complications ranging from minor to life threatening. Life threatening side effects of plastic surgery are usually the consequence of infections, but there are other ways things can go disastrously wrong, leaving the patient unable to breathe for example. Plastic surgery of the face and neck ("facelift" and "neck lift") are complex procedures, requiring skill and practice. When certain muscles are shortened too much, they can overstretch and cause all kinds of trouble, like the tongue obstructing the airway or the soft oral tissues doing the same.
Plastic surgery is an option for individuals who want to change something about their physical appearance. Others have to get surgery for reasons that aren't aesthetic, such as reconstruction or correction of a health condition. There are a number of side effects of plastic surgery, even in the hands of a qualified professional.
Reaction to Anesthesia: One of the side effects of plastic surgery is a negative reaction to anesthesia. Some individuals may take a longer time waking up than expected while individuals with pre-existing conditions could have severe reactions on vital organs like the heart.
Infection: Individuals who undergo plastic surgery open themselves up to the possibility of getting infections because of unsanitary conditions in the operating room to contaminations after the procedure.
Nerve Damage: Another risk of plastic surgery is that procedures can cause nerve damage. If a surgeon nicks or cuts nerves while completing a surgery, it can cause a partial or total loss of feeling in certain parts of the body. For instance, in a breast implantation surgery, it is possible for the nerves leading to the nipple and areola to be damaged, which can lead to a loss of sensation during sexual activity. While nerve damage is a fairly rare complication, its effects are often permanent.
Fluid Buildup: Fluid buildup medically referred to as seroma, occur in areas of the body where tissue has been removed. This condition usually disappears after a month. If it goes beyond that point, patients need to go back to their doctors.
Blood Clots: Blood clots are side effects on plastic surgery in which blood collects localized areas of the body. Doctors can drain the blood from these areas. Blood clots that occur in sensitive areas like the brain require dramatic treatments that could be dangerous and life-threatening.
Scarring: An inevitable part of making holes and cuts in the skin is that they leave scars behind, an ironic fact for a type of surgery meant to promote beauty. Surgeons try to hide scars by performing surgery laparoscopically (through a small incision in the skin) to limit how noticeable the scar will be. Some procedures done in the nose or mouth can be completed using only incisions made out of sight. Still, despite a surgeons' best efforts, many procedures such as breast implantation and reduction can leave scars that are noticeable when viewed from a certain angle.
Pain: A common side effect of plastic surgery is pain in the incision area, especially in procedures like breast implants and face lifts. These procedures require a lot of stretching of the skin.
Plastic surgery is undoubtedly a surgical procedure concerned with the correction of defects in a human body like in treating burns or perhaps faults materialized because of accidental injuries or an out-ward appearance like implantation of chin, cheek, and so forth. Cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries are its types. Usually this type of surgery results in side effects in the future years of life. Even it may save the life removing the harmful tumours.Unwanted side effects are quite humiliating, very serious situations results in powerful reactions towards anaesthesia.
plastic surgery refers to surgery dealing with natural problems or damage, the term has become synonymous with cosmetic surgery and vanity surgeries such as nose jobs, facelifts, lip alterations and breast alterations.Plastic surgery is becoming increasingly common as procedures that were once meant to help those with deformities and other skin damage are adapted for other purposes.
Plastic surgery is an option for individuals who want to change something about their physical appearance. Others have to get surgery for reasons that aren't aesthetic, such as reconstruction or correction of a health condition. There are a number of side effects of plastic surgery, even in the hands of a qualified professional.
Reaction to Anesthesia: One of the side effects of plastic surgery is a negative reaction to anesthesia. Some individuals may take a longer time waking up than expected while individuals with pre-existing conditions could have severe reactions on vital organs like the heart.
Infection: Individuals who undergo plastic surgery open themselves up to the possibility of getting infections because of unsanitary conditions in the operating room to contaminations after the procedure.
Nerve Damage: Another risk of plastic surgery is that procedures can cause nerve damage. If a surgeon nicks or cuts nerves while completing a surgery, it can cause a partial or total loss of feeling in certain parts of the body. For instance, in a breast implantation surgery, it is possible for the nerves leading to the nipple and areola to be damaged, which can lead to a loss of sensation during sexual activity. While nerve damage is a fairly rare complication, its effects are often permanent.
Fluid Buildup: Fluid buildup medically referred to as seroma, occur in areas of the body where tissue has been removed. This condition usually disappears after a month. If it goes beyond that point, patients need to go back to their doctors.
Blood Clots: Blood clots are side effects on plastic surgery in which blood collects localized areas of the body. Doctors can drain the blood from these areas. Blood clots that occur in sensitive areas like the brain require dramatic treatments that could be dangerous and life-threatening.
Scarring: An inevitable part of making holes and cuts in the skin is that they leave scars behind, an ironic fact for a type of surgery meant to promote beauty. Surgeons try to hide scars by performing surgery laparoscopically (through a small incision in the skin) to limit how noticeable the scar will be. Some procedures done in the nose or mouth can be completed using only incisions made out of sight. Still, despite a surgeons' best efforts, many procedures such as breast implantation and reduction can leave scars that are noticeable when viewed from a certain angle.
Pain: A common side effect of plastic surgery is pain in the incision area, especially in procedures like breast implants and face lifts. These procedures require a lot of stretching of the skin.
Plastic surgery is undoubtedly a surgical procedure concerned with the correction of defects in a human body like in treating burns or perhaps faults materialized because of accidental injuries or an out-ward appearance like implantation of chin, cheek, and so forth. Cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries are its types. Usually this type of surgery results in side effects in the future years of life. Even it may save the life removing the harmful tumours.Unwanted side effects are quite humiliating, very serious situations results in powerful reactions towards anaesthesia.
plastic surgery refers to surgery dealing with natural problems or damage, the term has become synonymous with cosmetic surgery and vanity surgeries such as nose jobs, facelifts, lip alterations and breast alterations.Plastic surgery is becoming increasingly common as procedures that were once meant to help those with deformities and other skin damage are adapted for other purposes.