Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Build a Tree Stand Out of Wood

    • 1). Place the tape measure at the end of the the 2-by-4 board and measure four 2-foot sections. Mark each section with a pencil. Cut each section with the circular saw.

    • 2). Place the 2-by-4s with the wide side sitting directly on your work surface. Measure and mark a line 10 inches from both ends. Cut a 3/4-inch notch at each mark with the circular saw.

    • 3). Place the blade of the reciprocal saw parallel to the wide side of the boards and perpendicular to the notches from Step 2. Sink the blade into the wood at the 3/4-inch depth, removing the material between the 3/4-inch notches to create a lap joint groove.

    • 4). Place two of the notched 2-by-4's on your work surface with the notches facing upward. Lay the other two 2-by-4's on top of these boards with the notches facing downward. The lap joints should fit snugly together and create a cross shape with an opening in the center of the boards.

    • 5). Mark the center of each lap joint with the pencil and drill a hole with the drill. Insert a screw into each hole and secure firmly with the cordless screwdriver. Make sure the screw penetrates both of the overlapping boards at each joint.

    • 6). Place the tree trunk upright in the center of the wood tree stand. Trim the bottom of the trunk with the circular saw, if necessary, so that it sits straight on the ground. Hammer a nail through each side of the wood tree stand at an angle and into the trunk to secure the tree in place.

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