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Incontinence Management Guide for Men

Incontinence is a set of many symptoms. If your incontinence problems are at initial stage and have not caused for any severe infection, non-surgical treatment can be started to cure the problem. Non-surgical and surgical treatments are preceded in a step-by-step manner.

•    Behavioral and lifestyle changes: Behavioral changes include improvement in lifestyle. Improved bathroom habits that include punctuality to urinate in daily routine, increment in water intake, reduce alcohol, caffeine and nicotine intake.
•    Healthy routine and exercise: Healthy routine means, a fixed and proper schedule for exercising and improvement in sleeping habits. Early to bed and early wake up would help in improving your routine habits.
•    Products for incontinence management: Improved lifestyle and routine habits also include use of incontinence help products. Wearing diapers and pads, using protection for bed and mattresses, use of leakage protection aids help so much in managing your routine life.  
•    Medication: medication may be herbal or medical. Herbal treatments also help very much in order to get cured.
•    Surgery: Surgical diagnosis is the last option for curing incontinence.Although surgery is the last option if symptoms have caused some severe infection or cancer, but usually non-surgical treatments are enough for curing incontinence. Treatment of incontinence depends upon various factors such as type of incontinence, severity of incontinence and cause of incontinence problem. Your doctor would choose treatment for you after considering all factors associated with it. Primarily, non-surgical treatments and home remedies are advised to be used.

Devastating situations created by incontinence are hard to manage and frustrating. Incontinence aids provide so much help in management of incontinence but still frustration caused by leakage of urine is there. Proper care and protection can prevent patients from frustration. Causes of incontinence may be many. Some of them are:
•    Mental disability.
•    Physical disability.
•    Over activeness of bladder.
•    Growing age.
•    Damage of muscles.

More information is available for male incontinence at Details of incontinence in men are given in this article.

Primary care is given as non-surgical treatments to manage incontinence in men. Non-surgical treatment is given for initial months i.e. 6-12 months. Effectiveness of treatment depends upon many factors such as severity of problem, patient's compliance and motivation. Pelvic floor therapy is the most commonly used and suggested treatment for non-surgical diagnosis.

Many therapies such as pharmacological therapy, electrical stimulation, external aids etc., are given to patients at initial stage of incontinence. PFT (pelvic floor therapy) plus ES (electrical stimulation) give better results for incontinence management. Incontinence, if initially not handled and non-surgical therapies are not showing any improvements then therapists use surgical remedies for curing incontinence.

Surgical treatment also depends upon many factors like type of incontinence whether it is stress incontinence, urge incontinence, overactive bladder incontinence or mixed incontinence. Surgical therapies include many treatment procedures. Following treatments can be given in surgical therapies:

•    Urethral Bulking Agents.
•    Artificial Urinary Sphincter.
•    Urethral Slings.
•    Proact.
•    Urethral Closure.

These are some therapies that are used when non-invasive or non-surgical treatment fails.  Last and most trusted solution is surgical treatment for managing incontinence. Incontinence, if not diagnosed on time, it may cause to bladder cancer, urethral cancer and other very harmful disease.

Regardless of age urinary incontinence has significant impact on both quality and cost of life.  Many people who are affected with urinary incontinence suffer from social isolation and frustration and depression. Science has invented effective medicine, drugs and surgical diagnosis to cure incontinence. A thorough physical examination is done by the physician of a patient before applying any treatment and therapy on him.

External aids result very effective and beneficial if those are used with medical treatments. Social isolation and depression due to social embarrassment because of sudden urine leakage and wetness can be helped if incontinence aid products are used. More information and more details about incontinence products can be obtained from Corium. Corium is an incontinence product provider and offers all kinds of incontinence management aids that can be used externally.

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