Be Aware Of The Association Between Heartburn And Dizziness
Heartburn is a reality for more than eighty million people living in the United States. For most, it is a consequence of a large meal, eating foods that are too greasy or too spicy, bending shortly after the meal or exercising on a full stomach. If it's aggrevating we go to a doctor, but usually we live with it or simply chew on a couple of antacids. Generally, we're not overly concerned. But there are other health problems that can related to having heartburn so it's important to know the signs and symptoms. If heartburn and dizziness accompany each other, it could be the sign of a more serious problem.
Gastric acid entering the esophagus and causing a burning sensation is what is defined as heartburn. It can cause pain all the way to the throat. A poorly performing muscle separating the stomach and esophagus is why acid backs up. The condition is called GERD which is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease. That bad taste in the mouth, the burping and that knot behind the breastbone can all be linked to stomach acid in the esophagus. If acid continues to burn the esophagus, it could lead to the erosiion of the esophageal lining which may eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus.
Generally, people dealing with GERD have mild bouts of heartburn. Others really suffer and experience things like sharp pain behind the chest, the inability to sleep, nausea after every meal and burping and bloating. Some people experience dizziness as well, which can be the result of anxiety when the heartburn attack starts, but it can also be a sign of a heart attack. If your heartburn is accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, chills and pain in the chest, seek medical help immediately.
If you find that those pains in the chest are frequent, it is important to see a doctor. By having a proper exam can it be determined what exactly is going on. If your condition is serious you can take the proper steps to treat it or at least have piece of mind of knowing what exactly is happening with your body. Your health care professional will educate you on some of the symptoms of heartburn that may happen as well as some guideline with regard to your eating patterns and may even prescribe medication. If your doctor prescribes proton pump inhibitors, make sure to ask about side-effects. They have been known to cause dizziness, that why it's important to be aware of what's causing your sensation of dizziness. Proton pump inhibitors have other side effects as well and you should check with your doctor if you really need them, since the problems might outweigh the benefits.
Heartburn as it relates to gastroesophageal reflux disease does not discount the fact that there may be other health condition happening in the body. Being overweight makes you very prone to heartburn, but it makes you prone to many other health problems as well. There could be other health conditons occurring with you if you simply take no action against your heartburn. Regular health check-ups are important for everyone. Due diligence is important when dealing with frequent heartburn as the consequences could be critical.
Gastric acid entering the esophagus and causing a burning sensation is what is defined as heartburn. It can cause pain all the way to the throat. A poorly performing muscle separating the stomach and esophagus is why acid backs up. The condition is called GERD which is short for gastroesophageal reflux disease. That bad taste in the mouth, the burping and that knot behind the breastbone can all be linked to stomach acid in the esophagus. If acid continues to burn the esophagus, it could lead to the erosiion of the esophageal lining which may eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus.
Generally, people dealing with GERD have mild bouts of heartburn. Others really suffer and experience things like sharp pain behind the chest, the inability to sleep, nausea after every meal and burping and bloating. Some people experience dizziness as well, which can be the result of anxiety when the heartburn attack starts, but it can also be a sign of a heart attack. If your heartburn is accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, chills and pain in the chest, seek medical help immediately.
If you find that those pains in the chest are frequent, it is important to see a doctor. By having a proper exam can it be determined what exactly is going on. If your condition is serious you can take the proper steps to treat it or at least have piece of mind of knowing what exactly is happening with your body. Your health care professional will educate you on some of the symptoms of heartburn that may happen as well as some guideline with regard to your eating patterns and may even prescribe medication. If your doctor prescribes proton pump inhibitors, make sure to ask about side-effects. They have been known to cause dizziness, that why it's important to be aware of what's causing your sensation of dizziness. Proton pump inhibitors have other side effects as well and you should check with your doctor if you really need them, since the problems might outweigh the benefits.
Heartburn as it relates to gastroesophageal reflux disease does not discount the fact that there may be other health condition happening in the body. Being overweight makes you very prone to heartburn, but it makes you prone to many other health problems as well. There could be other health conditons occurring with you if you simply take no action against your heartburn. Regular health check-ups are important for everyone. Due diligence is important when dealing with frequent heartburn as the consequences could be critical.