Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

The Best Ways to Stop Smoking

Today we are going to talk about the best ways to quit smoking.
These tips have worked for many people.
Try them and see how they work for you: Stop Smoking Hint 1 Quitting smoking results in big changes for your body.
Your body begins to eject the poisons that have accumulated.
Cut down on your caffeine intake by 50%.
If you have 2 cups of coffee a day, drop down to 1 cup.
Nicotine breaks down caffeine.
Drink several glasses of water each day to help flush out your system.
Fruit juice is also good for that purpose.
Stop Smoking Hint 2 Try to remember a time when you felt great pleasure.
Recall it as vividly as possible.
Don't just see it but feel it.
Replay the memory as often as possible, squeezing your thumb and little finger together each time.
This is to create an association between squeezing your fingers and that good memory.
Try it now.
This can take a little practice but can be very powerful when confronted with a cigarette craving.
Stop Smoking Hint 3 Develop your support system.
Surround yourself with non-smokers.
Many people find it difficult to remain smoke-free when in a smoking environment.
If you are in a situation where you find yourself trying to stop smoking while a member of your household continues to smoke, you are going to find yourself struggling.
That is, unless you are an individual empowered with superior will-power.
In a household of that nature, the best case scenario is to support one another by stopping smoking simultaneously.
You don't win a tug-of-war by pulling against each other...
but by pulling together! Stop Smoking Hint 4 Don't make excuses for yourself.
Some people can talk themselves into starting again, especially if they encounter a stressful situation and in the past they used to deal with it by smoking.
You will need to focus when this happens.
Resist the urge by telling yourself that if you have a cigarette you will once again be a smoker instead of a non-smoker.
You don't want that, you have come too far.
Be hard on yourself.
Give yourself a guilt trip.
Act as if your life depends on it...
because it does.
Stop Smoking Hint 5 Start a savings account with the money you are saving by not smoking cigarettes.
Each week make a bank deposit or put it in a cookie jar.
This will be a great motivator when you discover how much money you are saving by not lighting up.

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