Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How to Tell the Difference Between Friendly and Friendship

Can you tell a good friend from an acquaintance? If yes, then what are the parameters that you hold for defining a good friendship? Some people can become great friends in a short period of time, while others take a really long time to develop that friendship.
However, somewhere in this transition people cannot differentiate between friendliness and a friend.
A person may be acting very friendly with you, but to determine whether he or she is a good friend takes more than that.
Friendly people are easy to approach and they are also better accepted by the society.
A friendly person has an inner need to keep the environment around them calm and sociable.
A friendly person may or may not be a good friend, but they have several qualities like helpfulness, understanding and also compromising nature when there is a need.
These qualities could eventually help you befriend the person.
However, it is quite difficult to find such people in today's world.
People are scared about being friendly and approachable so they are rather reserved; sometimes against their better judgment.
Friendships on the other hand are beyond being friendly.
They are more meaningful relationships and also are almost like a sibling relationship.
People connect in a deeper sense in friendships.
A friend is dependable and one can rely on them in times of need.
Friends also care for you emotionally.
In fact, some people regard friendship more valuable than love or marital relationship.
It is a giving and unconditional relationship.
Friends do have fights, but they work things out and get over it.
A friendly person may not necessarily end up being a good friend to you.

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