Home & Garden Pest Control

Bed Bug Bite Treatment - How to Handle These Nasty Bites!

It's never fun to be bitten by any insect, let alone bugs that crawl in the dark and you generally never see! If you have ever woken up with bites down your skin, you may have been bitten by bed bugs.
If you thought they were a fairy tale, you should know that they are both a bed time story and a real problem.
These insects nuisances affect millions of people at any given time and more than half have no idea what the problem is! So if you have been bitten, what is the best bed bug bite treatment that you can apply right away? First, you need to make sure it's from bed bugs.
I would start by searching the mattress (all of it) to find the source of the problem.
You can then treat the problem so that you don't get bitten anymore.
If you confirm it is in fact these bugs that are biting you, the best thing to do is to treat it like a regular rash.
Rash creme will help with the inflammation and also soothe the area while it heals.
Much like mosquito bites, it's best that you don't itch or scratch the area as this can make them worse.
Bed bug rash can be itchy so it's best to use a creme to help fight the urge.
If you see that you are somehow allergic to the bugs, you need to see a Doctor right away.
Most Doctors agree that bed bugs generally are harmless in terms of carrying diseases, but if you show any adverse reactions it's best to get your bed bug bite treatment from a medical professional.

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