Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How To Train Your Dog In Just 15 Minutes A Day

I really think that most new dog owners want a nicely trained dog however they fail to train their dog because they feel that it will be too time intensive.
That could not be farther from the truth.
In fact I teach people that if you will simply work with your dog for only 15 minutes a day you can have a well trained dog that you can be very proud of.
First of all since you wanted a dog I assume that you have 15 minutes a day that you can spend with him.
If you say no then you should do you and your dog a huge favor and find a new home for your pet so he can have a home that will spend time with him.
Now that we have determined that you have 15 minutes a day let's talk about what you should do during those 15 minutes.
You need to train your dog to do all the basic exercises that every good dog should know and they include:
  • Walk on a leash without dragging you down the street
  • Sit on command when you tell it one time
  • Down on command, this is the exercise that makes you the alpha
  • Sit-stay so you can have people come in your home without the dog darting out the door
  • Down-stay so you can leave a room and it is still there when you return
  • The recall so your dog comes when you call it, every time
The next question is how do you do this training? The best way is to hire a trainer to help guide you through the steps.
PLEASE find a trainer that uses motivational methods but doesn't rely on treats to bribe your dog to do the exercises.
Instead find a real trainer that will help you train your dog to do these exercises out of mutual trust and respect.
Plainly put a dog that needs a treat to do an exercise is not trained.
Now back to that daily 15 minute training session.
You can do some of this training while you go for a daily walk.
In fact do not get in the habit of only doing the training at home in the living room.
You should be able to do these exercises anywhere with all types of distractions.
So after the dog is working great in the house then start doing your training on the driveway and then later move to the street.
Then start adding more distractions including people and other dogs.
This is referred to as proofing your dog.
If you will simply give your dog 15 minutes of training a day you will be amazed how quickly and easily you can have the best trained dog on the block.

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