Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Get a Girlfriend—Three Easy Steps That Will Work

Guys, are you feeling blue because you can't seem to find a girlfriend?  It's not as hard as it seems.  It's important that you stop believing all the negative talk that suggests you are somehow undeserving of happiness.  Don't even try to find a girlfriend unless you have truly removed such negative energy from your mind.  (Otherwise, you will take your baggage along with you and fail)  First things first in how to get a girlfriend…

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip #1: Stop being afraid.

Guys, am I right in thinking that fear is a major inhibitor when it comes to your dating life?  You're probably one of those guys that gets the jitters whenever a pretty girl comes into your sight.  You plan things to say, and try to work up the courage to approach her, right?  Wrong answer!  You must conquer your fear and have the guts to walk right up to her and start a conversation.  No planning.  No strategy.  Just a lack of fear!

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip #2: Focus on being funny and enjoyable company.

Start looking at yourself in the mirror, guys.  Do you ever creep yourself out?  If you walk up to a girl and don't seem to be friendly you look "creepy."  Smile.  Laugh.  Flirt.  Tease her a little bit.  Show her that you are a fun person and not just after creepy sex.

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip #3: Be smart.

Sorry to burst your bubble, "J Z Kewl", but most girls aren't into the illiterate, hip hop ghetto thug.  If you want to land yourself a girlfriend you are not out to prove your alpha maleness or your bad attitude.  You are out to prove yourself a deep thinker, a fun date and a reliable man that cares about other people.  Even if you're just looking for a one night stand, trust me—you can't "seduce" a woman without using your brain.  Women respond sexually to emotional attraction.  You need your wits if you ever want to turn a woman on.  Think about deeper things in life: poetry, fine wines, traveling, careers, your future, philosophy, the planet's future.  This is the stuff that matters.  

Once your future girlfriend sees that you are an adult and have a lot to offer in a relationship, she will reel you in.  If you want to learn how to get a girlfriend, then apply these three tips and you will never be lonely on Valentine's Day.

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