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"Golf" shooting in the 70's, golf tips IV - "hitting long golf drives"

Every golfer on the planet dreams of hitting his first tee shot to the moon just like Happy Gilmore did in that epic golf classic. (hahaha). In the real world though there are very few that can accomplish this task because of all the required golf swing mechanics. Tiger Woods has always hit long golf drives because he not only trusts his golf swing but has relevant hip and shoulder control. Before all you golf enthusiasts think of smashing a world record golf drive lets go ahead and stretch,exercise, and warm up.

warm up by doing some jumping jacks, situps and pushups. Put your arms out to the sides and make little circles with your wrists to loosen up the shoulders. Before going to your golf course driving range do some mental exercises. Clear your mind, stay focused and relax. Grab a bucket of golf balls your driver and start practicing.

To really drive the golf ball, hitting the sweet spot on the club face is vital. If your head is over your knee at address it will affect every part of your golf swing. Keeping the lower body stable will produce a more efficient and faster golf swing rotation. A secret to hitting long golf drives is to make a full shoulder turn. This will cause you to swing on the necessary plane while allowing your correct weight transfer. Do not forget about your posture and stance. Always keep your head down and follow through.

For even more distance your hips will need to engage correctly. Move forward with your hips and slide them towards your designated target, then uncoil them. Picture a pinball and how you draw it back to put the ball in play. Then when you release it, it uncoils. Remember to stay focused and mental towards your golf game, long golf drives will require it.

To get your shoulders working properly for hitting longer golf drives get your driver and take a normal stance. Put a golf ball under the back arm pit and swing the golf club. If you move your arms without turning correctly, the golf ball will fall out. On the other hand if your shoulder turn is done properly, your golf swing will keep the golf ball in the arm pit throughout the back swing. This golf tip teaches you to keep your arms from separating during the back swing. Keep in mind that getting better at golf is a progression and with good golf instruction you will become a better golfer. For more golf tips follow the link below.

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