Health & Medical Nutrition

Substitutes for Different Kinds of Wheat-Free Cakes

Some people are by nature wheat intolerant.
Some studies have found that some wheat flour substitutes are much better compared to wheat when it comes to nutritive qualities.
As for an example, Millet is regarded as the easiest to digest among all the grains.
Then again, it is also amongst those grains that contain the least allergenic properties.
Thus, it remains a superb basis of silica and protein.
Millet flour could be easily used for baking.
There are many similarities between millet and sorghum, though.
If you wish to produce sorghum flour, it's a really extraordinary cereal grain.
Amaranth is yet another one among the grains that you can ground to bake something.
It's a brilliantly rich calcium source for you.
It is packed with magnesium and silica properties too.
In the recent past, there were the amaranth grain was used extensively around Mexican regions to prevent malnutrition problems.
There are lots of substitutes that you could use for wheat when it comes to cake recipes.
But you should stay away from many types of wheat products too.
This is true for bulgur, cous-cous and flours like brown, granary, durum or plain.
Some research results showed that it is better to avoid using self-rising flours as they've got wheat properties.
In a similar way, you should avoid semolina, whole-meal or sauce flour.
Same goes for triticale, kamut, and spelt.
Graham flour should also be avoided.
In a typical cake recipe, it's not a problem at all if you want to substitute flour with wheat for the flour that has no wheat.
Where you will purchase the non-wheat from is a major issue actually.
Many of the wheat flour substitutes could be easily found in those natural health product stores.
Some Asian food stores are also selling those.
You can look online as well.
These days, you could see an enhanced popularity out there when it comes to substituting wheat in cake recipes.
Today, renowned grocery stores sell these things to catch up with the trend.
It's part of their jobs now to store the flours or grains in the inventory now a days.
Interestingly enough, some people out there are not wheat intolerant.
Still, they are looking up healthier substitutes to wheat.
They are also now showing keen interest in such non-wheat grains.
It is very natural these days that increasing number of people now are becoming aware of the benefits of these grains.
There is a basic difference amid gluten intolerance and wheat intolerance.
People suffering from gluten intolerance are not comfortable with eating things with gluten.
These people are not capable of eating wheat, rye, barley or different kinds of cereals containing gluten.
But, people with wheat intolerance are capable of consuming rye and barley as they are just wheat intolerant.
There isn't any way you could deny that food items like breads can actually taste a lot different compared to the food items made of wheat flour substitutes.
Then again, texture in these food items can be different too.
The gluten in wheat does the work of binding the dough and making breads to rise.

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