Characteristics of Jealousy
- Emotions and thoughts that arise out of jealousy, such as resentment, blame and potential inferiority can cause feelings of anger, sadness and humiliation, often at the same time. According to Psychology Today, a very jealous person may even feel that she is going insane.
- A jealous person may seek constant reassurance or incessantly question his partner. In extreme cases, an individual might even become aggressive.
- According to the British Broadcasting Corporation's (BBC) extensive online relationship guide, jealousy in small amounts can heighten emotions and passion as well as encourage a person to make a greater effort to ensure that her partner feels special and therefore remains faithful.
- At times, however, jealousy can be dangerous when it drives a person to commit irrational acts or forces his partner to be needlessly cautious lest she elicit a bad reaction.
- Both the BBC online relationship guide and Psychology Today recommend, in addition to nonaggressive honesty with one's partner, solutions like determining why the feelings are occurring and how realistic the concerns are. The BBC guide also advises that a jealous individual seek counseling to further treat jealousy.