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How to Set the Formal French Table

    • 1). Set a plate on the table for each guest. The plates should be in front of the chair and 2 feet from the center of the next plate.

    • 2). Lay all the utensils on the table in the order they will be used, except the dessert utensils. Forks go to the left of the plate with the fork for the main meal closest to the plate and the remaining forks placed on the outside of this fork, in the order they will be used. Knives go on the right with the blades facing the plate. Traditionally, French utensils were placed with tines or faces pointing down, but that's optional today.

    • 3). Set a cheese knife above the dinner plate with the blade facing down, the knife pointing to the right. The dessert utensil, usually a spoon, is brought out with the dessert but, today, it is also placed above the cheese knife, facing left.

    • 4). Fold napkins into a triangle and place them on the plate or to the left of the plate, under the forks.

    • 5). Place the salad plate above and to the right of the main plate. French tables don't usually have bread plates --- the bread is set on the table --- but if you use one, place it above and to the left of the main plate.

    • 6). Set three glasses above the plates to the right. First, use a large wine glass for water, followed by a medium wine glass for red wine and a smaller wine glass for white wine. You can place small glasses for champagne or liqueur on the farthest side of the wine glasses.

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