Health & Medical Medicine

Be the Needs of Diabetes Observed In the Prevention of Pregnancy, Birth Trauma

Diabetes is not controlled, it can harm the fetus, the mother and newborn child. "When a person develops diabetes during pregnancy or at the time it takes more effort to maintain a healthy baby and mom. Diabetes, sugar is added to blood. Mom, uncontrolled diabetes can cause kidney, heart and eye injuries. Child, it can cause birth defects.

Brain, spinal cord or the child's heart malformations could be caused by uncontrolled diabetes. Sometimes, diabetes can result in children born prematurely and experience, respiratory, heart, blood, intestines, or vision problems. Some women, a child may grow too large, due to diabetes. Large babies can hurt your shoulder nerves, or collarbones, or suffer brain damage from lack of oxygen, and pushed from the birth canal. Under this scenario, doctors and specialists in the delivery room must be proactive about the delivery by Caesarean section, that is not harmful to natural birth.

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Some women who develop diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Physicians should check the patient from symptoms of preeclampsia, a mother with gestational diabetes. Marked preeclampsia causes high blood pressure and swelling of the extremities. In more severe cases it can cause seizures, stroke, or that the baby was born prematurely. Gestational diabetes can sometimes remain after pregnancy. At this stage, it is referred to as type 2 diabetes.

Journal of birth: Problems Perinatal care physicians team recently explored the obstacles to the management of diabetes during pregnancy: perception of health care professionals. " Doctors can do more to educate about how diabetes can affect them, not only for their baby during pregnancy expectant mother - "they said. Women who can achieve the glycemic control prior to conception pregnancy better. Doctors and ob-gyns who can help their patients' knowledge, access to medical resources, and help them correct approach to diabetes during pregnancy are more likely nearing a successful pregnancy, they said.

Care physicians owe to patients with diabetes or develop during pregnancy in order to solve problems and guide the patient to have a healthy child standard. Other medical practitioner or measure may be responsible for the patient's death, birth injury, or other medical problem that could have been avoided. Individuals can claim compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other birth-related injuries.

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