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How to Easily Draw a Kangaroo

    • 1). Create the head of the kangaroo by drawing an oval shape, and then attach a bigger oval shape to the head. Position the larger oval underneath and mostly behind the smaller oval. This larger shape represents the kangaroo's body.

    • 2). Use rectangular shapes for the kangaroo's limbs and tail. Join two shapes together for each limb and tail. Attach them to the larger oval shape.

    • 3). Check that the proportions of the shapes accurately represent the kangaroo's. Where necessary, erase any inaccuracies and make corrections. Add more form to the preliminary shapes and gradually erase the earlier lines, giving more of a curved appearance to the head, body, limbs and tail.

    • 4). Begin depicting the kangaroo in greater detail once you have accurately portrayed the outline of the animal. Draw its long, pointed ears. Place them on top of the oval shape representing the head.

    • 5). Sketch a rough, round outline to represent the kangaroo's eye, and, from the eye, sketch a line to the tip of the kangaroo's snout. Begin sketching the kangaroo's nose and mouth. Check that the eye, nose and mouth are the correct distance from each other before drawing the features.

    • 6). Shade in the kangaroo from the ears downward. Use the side of your pencil to blend the shades of the kangaroo's coat together. Press hard on your pencil to achieve dark shading, and apply less pressure to achieve lighter shades.

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