Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

A Guide For Keeping Your Roof Weather Tight

The roof of your house provides a weather tight defence against the elements and is central in any strategy for weather protection and increasing energy efficiency.
The roof type and materials affect your building's heating and cooling abilities.
Also with an estimated 30 per cent of heat loss occurring through the walls, ceiling and floors, it makes good sense for home owners to focus on their roofing and ensure it is doing the best possible job.
Make Sure Your Roof Is Repaired Once roofing is let go, even for a season or two, damage and deterioration can set in.
The longer it is neglected, the more expensive it will likely be to repair.
Older buildings are inherently designed to address heat loss and cooling.
They can always be made more energy efficient and perform better using new technology, such as through solar access.
Whole house weatherisation may start with the roof but should not end there.
Assess all parts, from windows and mechanical systems to insulation and air leaks.
How Do I Know If My Roof Is Failing? All roofing materials deteriorate and eventually will fail over time, depending on the quality of the material, appropriate installation, routine inspection and ongoing maintenance.
Roof's are subject to natural forces like rain, snow, sun degradation, wind and pollutants.
Roofs are also commonly damaged by falling tree limbs small animals, foot traffic and insect infestation.
In general, when roofing has failed, replace using in-kind materials where possible and only consider substitute materials when technically or economically not feasible.

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