Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Prevent Breakouts With Proper Cleansing Techniques

When it comes to breakouts, your skin has a few enemies.
One is genetics, and despite your best efforts, there's nothing you can really do about that.
Another is oil, and that one you have some degree of control over.
However, oil can get the better of your skin if you don't know what you are doing - wash too often and your skin will produce too much of it, wash too little and you'll drown in it.
Here are a few tips for proper cleansing practices so you can start getting rid of acne fast and keep breakouts at bay.
Wash your face.
The easiest way to prevent your skin from breaking out is to cleanse it properly twice a day.
Scrubbing up any more often than morning and night won't do your skin any good, and may actually cause excessive oil production to make up for all the moisture your skin needs.
First, you'll need to choose a mild facial cleanser, and use it every time you wash your face.
Once you're ready to use it, splash your face with warm, but not hot, water.
Pour a quarter-sized dollop of face wash into your palm, rub your hands together and then gently rub the cleanser into your skin.
Go all the way up to your hairline, next to your ears and around the edge of your face.
Once your face is clean, rinse the face wash off with warm water, and pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
(If your cleanser contains benzoyl peroxide, choose a white towel, as this anti-acne medication can cause discoloration on fabrics.
) You can now apply an acne treatment or medicated topical gel, then use a light face moisturizer to keep your complexion from becoming too dry.
You never want to exfoliate acne-riddled skin with scrubs, as these usually contain beads or granules that can cause irritation and worsen acne flare-ups.
If you want to exfoliate, do so with your normal facial cleanser and a washcloth.
Wash your hair.
Other than your hands, what touches your face more than anything else? Your hair, of course! Keeping locks squeaky clean with daily hair shampoos prevents your hair from accidentally spreading your face's oil around.
If you notice an area of your face where acne is particularly a problem, try pinning your hair away from that area, as it may be hindering your cure for acne.
Wash everything else.
Throw your pillowcase in the wash once a week so skin oils don't have a chance to build up.
Wash your hands before you touch your face so you don't add excess grease to your complexion.
Wash your makeup brushes regularly and only use oil-free and non- comedogenic organic beauty products.
Do these things and you'll notice a decrease in the amount of blemishes on your skin?

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