Technology Electronics

Can I Get Time Warner Digital Cable at My Address?

    Checking Your Address for Availability

    • To check to see if you can get Time Warner digital cable, visit, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter your address in the box labeled "See what's available in your area." Then click "Go." You can also search by state/region by clicking on "Search by State/Region instead." A screen will appear and you click on the down arrow by "Select your state..." or click by "Select Region..." Then click "Go." Also you can search by zip code: Click on "Search by Zip Code instead." Then enter your zip code in the box and click "Go." The website will then process your request and let you know if Time Warner digital cable is available in your area.

    Selecting a Digital Cable Package

    • If Time Warner digital cable is available in your area, you will be given a screen specific to your city or area offering any specials currently available. You will also see options on how to sign up for digital cable service, digital cable "bundle plans" and upcoming pay-per-view specials. You will also see an option for "Support" if after subscribing, you need help with your digital cable service.

    Signing Up for the Digital Cable Service

    • To sign up for Time Warner digital cable, click on the "Order Online" icon on the right side of the Time Warner website specific to your area. You will then see the current special for your area. To select it, click on "Order now" or click on "Explore more great options" to customize a package for your home. Follow the screens to select what type of service you want, channels and what type of cable box you want---digital recorder, HDTV box or regular digital cable box.

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