Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Things You Should Know About Piles Or Hemorrhoids

Few people like to talk about bowel problems and nobody feels comfortable discussing their hemorrhoids or piles (as they are also known).
Nevertheless this is a distressful condition which needs to be understood and treated.
As you may know hemorrhoids are simply swollen anal veins which can be either internal or external.
Both forms cause distress, discomfort, pain and can also bleed.
Hemorrhoids are caused by excessive straining when trying to pass stools on the toilet, this causes the veins in the bowels and anus to swell.
Constipation is a contributing factor although diarrhea can also cause hemorrhoids, again through excessive straining.
Stress, high blood pressure and weight problems can also lead to hemorrhoids because of the additional pressure put on your circulatory system which makes the anal veins more susceptible.
It is therefore a good idea to make life-style changes if needed.
The number one tip is preventing constipation.
A high fibre diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables will avoid constipation and stop straining on the toilet.
And if you have got hemorrhoids it will also help the passing of stools be less distressful.
Avoid eating fast foods regularly as they often disrupt the digestive system, often leading to hard stools which are the number one cause of hemorrhoids.
Remember also to drink fresh water regularly as this too will help prevent your feces becoming hard.
A regular form of exercise will improve your circulation and digestive system bringing many other long term benefits too.
Hemorrhoids can be relieved with creams and suppositories, these help the swollen veins relax and shrink slightly.
Ice is also useful in easing the soreness.
A common complaint with hemorrhoids is the itching and soreness, often aggravated by using dry toilet paper.
A gentler way to clean the anal area is with wet wipes or a bidet.
After washing carefully apply a cream to the hemorrhoid, providing it is protruding, this will help to reduce the swelling.
As an alternative Witch Hazel could be used.
Curiously hemorrhoids are practically unknown in countries that do not use the western type of toilet.
Many experts believe that sitting on a toilet seat to defecate instead of the more natural method of squatting, used in many countries in the East, aggravates straining while reducing blood flow to the anus and can be a fundamental cause of hemorrhoids.
To recap hemorrhoids are normally caused by the straining to expel hard stools, this can rupture the veins in the bowels and anus causing them to swell and expand.
Keep you digestive system in balance with fibre rich food, drink fresh water regularly to keep hydrated, and try to exercise a little each day, this will help you avoid getting hemorrhoids.
To your good health!

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