10 Low-Maintenance Flowers for Busy Gardeners
Is it possible to have a beautiful flower garden without pruning, fertilizing, deadheading, and spraying? It is, if you base your garden on these low maintenance flowers. Decide whether you want annuals for a short term commitment, or perennials for many returns, and appreciate your flowerbeds from the comfort of your lounger, rather than on bended knee.
1. Cleome
This tall beauty often gets passed over for more compact bedding plants. Although cleome plants don’t look like much in the nursery six-pack, they quickly make up for lost time in June, throwing out pink and purple firework shaped blooms that attract spectacular hummingbird moths in the evening. New flowers continuously form on the plant’s top growth, while the seedpods that form beneath will populate the garden with new cleomes next season.More »2. Cosmos
Don’t let the delicate, lacy foliage of cosmos flowers fool you. This plant doesn’t wilt in triple digit temperatures, and produces armloads of cheerful daisy-like flowers for cutting. Cosmos plants prefer poor soil, and are impervious to insect pests and diseases.More »3. Daylily
From the original wild daylilies of red, orange, and rose, we now have more than 70,000 varieties recognized by the American Hemerocallis Society. Aside from pure white and pure blue, you may get carried away by the number of color patterns and flower forms found in this hardy perennial. The daylily adapts to a wide range of soil, exposure, and moisture conditions, while producing blooms over a long season comparable to an annual.More »4. False Indigo
Gardeners seeking that perfect blue flower can forget about high-maintenance Himalayan poppies. Instead, try the lovely Baptista australis, hardy in zones 3-9, which produces showy pale blue flowers that attract butterflies in full sun to part shade. If you deadhead these flowers, you’d miss the ornamental fruits that look attractive in dried flower arrangements. False indigo plants will form a handsome colony over time, shrugging off drought, poor soil, and nibbling rabbits.More »5. Globe Amaranth
“Grows like a weed” can be a red flag for invasive qualities, but not so with the globe amaranth. Also known as gomphrena, the globe amaranth will grow and produce dozens of charming pompom blooms all summer without fuss, but it won’t take over the garden or self-seed in an aggressive way. The purple form is the most commonly offered variety of this full sun annual, but you can also find white, pink, and red forms.More »6. Million Bells
Million bells look like petunias, but have several advantages:- More heat and drought tolerant than petunias
- Don’t attract tobacco budworms
- No deadheading required
- No messy sticky substance on leaves