Health & Medical Women's Health

Yeast Infection Natural Cures - 4 Simple Natural Remedies For Yeast Infections

Searching for yeast infection natural cures? Here, you'll discover 4 simple natural remedies for yeast infections being used by thousands of women around the world. You'll also find out why so many women are turning to natural cures.

Here are 4 popular yeast infection natural cures...

Cure #1 - Tea Tree Oil

Simply add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to a warm bath and bathe for 20 - 30 minutes. Repeat everyday until the symptoms go away.

Cure #2 - Plain Yogurt

It has to be plain, unsweetened yogurt marked as containing 'live and active cultures'. One of these is Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is a friendly bacteria that fights the Candida flora that causes the symptoms of yeast infection.

Eat every day. And apply over the affected area. You can also soak a tampon in the yogurt and use overnight. Again repeat this process daily until the symptoms disappear.

Cure #3 - Apple Cider Vinegar

But it must be raw, unpasteurized, un-distilled, with no additives. You'll probably have to get this from a health food store, rather than the supermarket.

Drink a daily glass of 2 teaspoons in cold water. You can also douche with it by adding 2 tablespoons to 2 quarts of warm water. Alternatively soak in a warm. low bath containing 2 cups of vinegar for about 20 minutes or so.

Cure #4 - Garlic

Consume raw garlic everyday. You can make a paste by crushing peeled raw garlic and then applying to the area. And, you can use directly as a natural tampon by inserting a raw peeled clove, or, wrapping it in muslin tied up with waxed dental floss. Leave in overnight. Repeat until your symptoms have been eliminated.

Note: For each of the above natural cures, repeat for say 2 days after your symptoms have disappeared, just to be sure.

But why are so many women now turning to natural remedies for yeast infections? One of the reasons is that their normal drug-based treatments using topical creams, pessaries, etc., aren't proving to very effective in many cases. These women -- perhaps you're the same -- suffer soul-destroying recurring yeast infections.

This is mainly because these drug-based treatments are only addressing the local symptoms and not the underlying causes(s) such as, a lowered immune system, poor / unhealthy diet, antibiotic usage, stress, hormonal imbalance, oral contraception, obesity, etc. And the cause of your symptoms -- the Candida Albicans yeast-like fungus -- can become drug-resistant.

To get the facts on a whole range of natural yeast infection cures go now to where you'll discover why tens of thousand of women are now completely free from yeast infection at last.

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