Foot Pain Quiz: What's Causing Your Aching Feet?
Foot Pain Quiz: What's Causing Your Aching Feet?
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Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, MS, DO on July 20, 2014
Jane Anderson, DPM, podiatrist and spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association.
American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs," "Heel Pain," "Shoes."
American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine: "Socks-Hosiery: Essential Equipment for Athletes."
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.
American College of Sports Medicine.
American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: "Nail Fungus Infection," "Orthopaedic Surgeons Warn Against Summer Inspired “Foot Facelifts.”
American Podiatric Medical Association: "Athlete's Foot," APMA Position Statement on Barefoot Running, "Down at Their Heels: Heel Pain Tops America’s List Of Persistent Foot Ailments," "Important Do's and Don'ts to Avoid a Summer 'Flip-Flop Fiasco.'"
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: "Cosmetic foot surgery condemned by doctors."
Arthritis Foundation: "Help for Heel Pain."
Caselli, M., Podiatry Today, April 2002, vol. 15, pp. 68-69.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Gout."
The Cleveland Clinic: "Bunions."
Cronin, N. Journal of Applied Physiology, January 12, 2012.
Csapo, R. Journal of Experimental Biology, August 1, 2010.
Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide: "Athlete's Foot: Causes, Prevention and Treatment."
Institute for Preventive Foot Health: "Black Toe."
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics: "Running Injuries."
Kirby, K., Podiatry Today, "Barefoot Versus Shod Running: Which Is Best?" May 2012, col. 25, page 54-60.
Los Angeles County Podiatric Medical Society: "Athlete's Foot."
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: "Diabetic Neuropathies: The Nerve Damage of Diabetes."
Spina, R., Cameron, M., Alexander, R. "The effect of functional fascial taping on Morton's Neuroma," Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy, July 10, 2002.
Ward, P., Podiatry Today, "A Guide to Common Foot and Ankle Golf Injuries," August 2010, vol. 23, pp. 74-77.
Wetz, H., Orthopade., November 2006, 35(11):1124, 1126-30.
White, J., Podiatry Today, October 2007, vol. 20, pp. 96-100.
This tool does not provide medical advice. See additional information:
THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the WebMD Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.
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Quiz: What's Causing Your Aching Feet?
1 of
Current Score:
Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, MS, DO on July 20, 2014
Jane Anderson, DPM, podiatrist and spokesperson for the American Podiatric Medical Association.
American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Plantar Fasciitis and Bone Spurs," "Heel Pain," "Shoes."
American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine: "Socks-Hosiery: Essential Equipment for Athletes."
American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.
American College of Sports Medicine.
American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: "Nail Fungus Infection," "Orthopaedic Surgeons Warn Against Summer Inspired “Foot Facelifts.”
American Podiatric Medical Association: "Athlete's Foot," APMA Position Statement on Barefoot Running, "Down at Their Heels: Heel Pain Tops America’s List Of Persistent Foot Ailments," "Important Do's and Don'ts to Avoid a Summer 'Flip-Flop Fiasco.'"
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: "Cosmetic foot surgery condemned by doctors."
Arthritis Foundation: "Help for Heel Pain."
Caselli, M., Podiatry Today, April 2002, vol. 15, pp. 68-69.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Gout."
The Cleveland Clinic: "Bunions."
Cronin, N. Journal of Applied Physiology, January 12, 2012.
Csapo, R. Journal of Experimental Biology, August 1, 2010.
Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide: "Athlete's Foot: Causes, Prevention and Treatment."
Institute for Preventive Foot Health: "Black Toe."
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics: "Running Injuries."
Kirby, K., Podiatry Today, "Barefoot Versus Shod Running: Which Is Best?" May 2012, col. 25, page 54-60.
Los Angeles County Podiatric Medical Society: "Athlete's Foot."
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: "Diabetic Neuropathies: The Nerve Damage of Diabetes."
Spina, R., Cameron, M., Alexander, R. "The effect of functional fascial taping on Morton's Neuroma," Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy, July 10, 2002.
Ward, P., Podiatry Today, "A Guide to Common Foot and Ankle Golf Injuries," August 2010, vol. 23, pp. 74-77.
Wetz, H., Orthopade., November 2006, 35(11):1124, 1126-30.
White, J., Podiatry Today, October 2007, vol. 20, pp. 96-100.
This tool does not provide medical advice. See additional information:
THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on to make decisions about your health. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the WebMD Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.
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