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Garry Thomas Allen - Scheduled Execution - April 2012

Victim: Gail Titsworth
Date of Scheduled Execution: April 12, 2012
State: Oklahoma
Manner of Execution: Lethal Injection

Allen shot and killed his girl friend, Gail Titsworth, three days after she moved out with their sons, 6-year-old Anthony and 2-year-old Adrian. Angry confrontations had gone on between the two for three days, as Allen tried repeatedly to persuade Titsworth to come back to him. Their last argument occurred on November 21, 1986 when Titsworth came to pick up their sons at Beulah's Day Care Center on N.W.

8th Street in Oklahoma City.

Allen confronted Titsworth inside the center, and the two moved to an empty room to argue. Allen left just ahead of Titsworth and the boys. When Titsworth opened the door of her truck, Allen came up behind her and shut it. She opened it again and again he shut it. This argument ended when Allen reached into his sock, pulled out a .38 caliber snubnosed revolver, and shot Titsworth once in the chest. She fell, and he looked under her blouse before walking away.

A day care employee ran to Titsworth to help her into the day care center. Just as she and Titsworth reached the front door, Allen pushed the woman inside and pushed Titsworth down on the outside steps. Allen shot her three times in the back at close range and walked away.

He was captured in an alley less than a block away by the police officer who responded to the 911 call, but not before a struggle with the officer took place which resulted in Allen being shot in the face. He was taken to the hospital where he remained for two months.

His injuries from the gun shot included the loss of his left eye, hearing in one ear and permanent brain damage.

See also: Allen v. State (1996).

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