How to Make a Planet in Paint
- 1). Go to "All Programs" to open the Paint program. Next, Click "Accessories," then "Paint."
- 2). Select the "Ellipse" tool from the "Tool Box," which is on the left side of the program. You will see a blank white document on your screen.
- 3). Draw a circle in the center of the blank white document. Select the "Fill With Color" tool from the "Tool Box." Move down to the "Color Box " and Select the mid blue color, which is situated directly underneath the dark blue. Move back to the circle image in the document and Click in the center of the circle with the "Fill With Color" tool. The white circle will now be filled with the mid blue color.
- 4). Choose the "Brush" tool from the "Tool Box." Visit the "Color Box " again. Select the white color. With the "Brush" tool, and using the curve of the circle as a guide, draw in a short curved line at the top and the bottom of the circle. These will indicate the poles of the planet.
- 5). Use the "Brush" tool again, but this time select the pale yellow color from the "Color Box." Draw using vertical and horizontal lines, which will indicate the land mass of the planet. Draw one land mass on either side of the planet and under the poles. Use the "Color Box" to select both brown and mid green. Use these two colors on the land mass part of the image to represent earth and greenery. Dab parts of each color liberally on the land mass areas. Finish off the creation of the planet by choosing the "Airbrush" tool from the "Tool Box." Select white from the "Color Box." Apply the "Airbrush" tool all over the image to represent clouds.
- 6). Locate the file menu. Click "Save As." Select a name for your image, and choose a location to save your file in. Click "Save."