Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology


When we reach a certain age we all begin to show some signs of "maturity" and it shows where we want it to show least of all; on our faces for the entire world to see. So, we begin to search the countless shelves of cosmetic counters for that age-old (please forgive the pun) mythical fountain of youth which is also known as an anti aging skin care product that will rejuvenate our facial skin and will reverse the dermal aging process to what it was ten, twenty or more years ago. Please do not feel bad -- I am right up there with you along with my own wrinkles and jowl and liver spots!

The fact that you are here and now to read this article means that you are bright enough to wonder whether or not anti aging skin care products really work. And if you are bright enough to wonder about the effectiveness of anti aging skin care products, than you are smart enough to come to the right conclusion all by yourself. I will present you with a handful of facts and you do your own figuring. Is it a deal? O.K. let us get started.

Fact number one is that the anti aging skin care product industry is enormous and it is predominantly comprised of multi-national cosmetic giants that have mega billions of dollars to spend on eye-catching packaging, on extensive marketing and on advertisements that reaches deep into our psyches and under our skins.

Fact number two is that there is little to no supervision from an authoritative entity such as the FDA and no legal requirements or regulatory standards that the anti aging skin care product companies have to abide by. In short, just about anything can and does go into those beautifully presented anti aging creams, lotions, jells, oils and so on and on and on. Thus, many of these products that people so faithfully apply to their tender skins are useless waists of good money. Many other anti aging skin care products have been proven to cause temporary or permanent damage to the skin and / or to one's health in general. And still others are carcinogenic!

Fact number three is that the cosmetic companies that produce the anti aging care products are not compelled to prove the truth behind their claims for ironing out creases, for tightening sagging skin, for eradicating age spots, for smoothing out the cottage cheese effects of cellulite and for generally making old skins look young again. They are also not obligated to substantiate or authenticate the ingredients listed on their products with concrete evidence.

So, do anti aging skin care products work? Congratulation! You have come to the right conclusion. The overwhelming majority of anti aging skin care products, whether they are produced by the cosmetic giants we all know or by smaller producers which are rarely heard about, do not work. In the best case scenarios, anti aging skin care products simply fail to do what we would all like them to do and they, certainly, do not fulfill their promises for magical results. In the worst case scenarios, they are dangerous, carcinogenic and not fit for our human skins.

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