Health & Medical Mental Health

Accumulating Stuff

We all accumulate 'stuff' as we go through life.
On the physical level as in letters, newspapers and magazines, clothes, unwanted gifts and many other such things.
It occurred to me as I was clearing out my emails [for the 100th time] that we also accumulate 'stuff' online now too, and on the hard drives of our computers; downloaded videos and games, music and old emails clutter up our computer, this can slow it down at some point may cause it to break down completely if it is overloaded.
It is the same for us humans too, in a way we are like a giant computer hard drive, but we also have a very complex machine attached to that hard drive, our bodies.
On a physical level we consume unhealthy food, alcohol, tobacco, and prescription and recreational drugs.
These fill our body with unwanted toxins and can clog up our system and ultimately lead to ill-health.
But it is not just the physical level on which we accumulate 'stuff', it is also on the emotional and mental levels.
We go through life learning different 'programs' of what we should believe, and how we should behave.
We learn these from our parents, teachers, friends and the media.
These 'programs' and beliefs are all stored somewhere within our consciousness, piled up on top of one another colouring our perception, and sometimes slowing us down, stopping us from moving forward.
Also, the experiences we have through our lives stay with us, whether they be good or bad.
Every event in our lives has an emotion attached to that experience, and these emotions become deeply ingrained in our whole being.
They affect our behaviour and can lead to recurring patterns of events in our lives.
Also, negative emotions that stay buried and unresolved can lead to illness and disease.
So just as it essential to de-clutter our home every now and then, and clear our computer hardrives occasionally it is also essential to clear out ourselves, on all levels.
Detoxing is a great way to clear out our physical body.
It also helps to clear the mind and improve our overall health and well-being.
There are many products available for detoxing but I prefer to use Detox Foot Patches.
I find the them to be very effective and would highly recommend anyone to try them out.
If you use these in conjunction with a healthy diet, plenty of water and some exercise, you should feel much clearer, in both mind and body.
If you were to incorporate into this detox some kind of spiritual or mental/emotional practice you may even be able to shift some of those 'programs' and beliefs.
There are many different spiritual and personal development tools available now such as Reiki, Meditation, Yoga and Hypnotherapy & NLP, plus many more and you should follow the path that speaks to you the most.
By clearing out our minds, our emotions and our physical body we can attain a higher level of health in all areas of our lives.
We can realise our true potential and feel much stronger and more powerful than we ever thought possible, but it takes effort, determination, discipline and strength.
You have to make a start, you must take the first step and keep with it, and you will soon be on your way to a more clear, happy and healthy you.

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