Business & Finance Economics

Why There Are Homeless People

What They Do To Turn Your Head These are the most obnoxious bunch of individuals I have ever run across.
They are in constant want of something.
For example, they are in need of money 24/7 and they constantly are on the search for drugs and what they can steel that might obtain this material for them.
Do not leave your purse of any thing that can be pond ed at the pond shop or else you will not have it anymore.
No loose change can be left lying around or else it will disappear as well.
Any antiques that they think they can get a few bucks out of is history to.
They have no respect for themselves or others and the other persons feelings is null and void to them.
All they care about is the high and how to get it.
It is sad in away but when one has got everything that you have worked so hard to accrue in life starts disappearing with out any cause, anger sets in and remorse seems to fly out the window.
You get so sick of seeing someone searching for any thing to get that altered state of mind set and constantly annoy you for money, transportation, or something that you don't have or can't get.
They seem to have lost their ability to think rationally and they can't hear themselves and how ridiculous they sound.
It is a embarrassment to you and to the guess you may have at the time of their spacing out episodes.
The guess you have don't understand what is going on and there is some idiot standing in the door way saying come here, come here.
The people visiting don't have a clue as to what is on the horizon.
They don't shut up either.
They seem to have retracted back to their childhood and the way they acted as a child wanting something from the store that you don't have the money to buy.
Burned Mind I believe that after a prolonged period of use the mind loses it's ability to function at a normal level.
These people only care for themselves and any love they might have had for their families has long gone.
The only love they have for their loved ones is what they can get off them.
Then they will stand before you and almighty God and swear they never got your belongings.
I have also seen children turn against their parents because of the mistreatment or lack of physical and emotional attention they need to reassure them that you are there for them at times of crises instead of creating crises situations.
Rehab What A Joke Rehab is the biggest joke I have ever been associated with in my life.
They send people to rehab and it ends up being a homeless shelter where I'm sure you could get anything your heart desires.
It's like a revolving door.
There seems to be no real regulations but on these facilities.
Some are OK if you have the money but if you don't they just keep sending you to the most us less places on the planet.
Who would locate a rehab center behind a projects housing.
This is the number one place to stop and get what you want.
I don't care what color the people are that live in the projects but I do know that any drug of choice can be bought there.
I have witnessed this myself countless times.
My daughter went to rehab in Nashville and ended up in homeless shelter.
The reason for this is unknown.
I think stronger restrictions should be placed on these institutes because the tax payers are paying for this and it is not working.
I have been trying for 12 yrs to get my daughter clean from drugs and the hold they have on you but she don't want to get clean and stay that way.
She has been in numerous rehabs and it don't seem to benefit her in the least.
I know that a personal desire must be in steeled in side the person with the problem but there is also reality that reaches up and smacks you right in the face and tells you it is time to stop and grow up.
Stop procrastinating about what you can wait and do to marrow, do it today because to marrow may never show and yesterday is gone like the wind.
This is the drug addicts by words.
So the best thing to do with a sever drug addict is to cut them off because as long as they can get what they need to get the drugs they will not stop until it is all gone and you have nothing.

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