How to Change Black & White Pictures to Color
- 1). Open your black and white image in Photoshop. This can be done in one of two ways. You can right-click on the image's icon in its saved location and select "Open with ... " then "Photoshop". Alternatively, you can open Photoshop, and open the saved image from the File menu.
- 2). Add a new layer to your image. Go to the main menu and select "Layer" then "New" and "Layer."
- 3). Name the layer according to which area of the image it will be colorizing. For instance, if you're going to begin by giving color to the backdrop of your image, label your first layer "backdrop."
- 4). Change the blending mode of your new layer. In the layers palette, click on the drop-down menu and select "Color."
- 5). Click on the brush tool in the toolbar and pick a color for your layer. You can adjust the shape, master diameter, and hardness of your brush stroke with drop-down menus at the top of the screen.
- 6). Hold down the left button of the mouse to "paint" the area you're colorizing.
- 7). Repeat Steps 2 through 6 to add color to other areas of your image. Don't be too concerned about coloring within the lines--all the layers can be cleaned up later.
- 8). Click on your first layer. From the main menu, under "Image," choose "Adjustments" then "Hue/Saturation." Check the "Colorize" box in the Hue/Saturation window and modify each of the levels to fine-tune the color to its desired appearance.
- 9). Repeat Step 8 for each of your layers.
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Fix any layers where the color needs to be cleaned up. Select a specific layer and click on the eraser tool on the toolbar. Move the tool over any places where the color has bled outside of the lines. Repeat as necessary on other layers. - 11
Save your completed colorized image.